Well-Known Member
As it stands at the moment, we know we can quite happily clear Zul'gurub. We've cleared all the main bosses at least twice each, downed Mando'kir each time we've been there, and also got Jin'do (the actual hardest boss in the place) down once. The place is damned fun to run and I have no problems with going back in there, but I also would like to set our sights elsewhere.
We've made one venture into the Ruins of Ahn'qiraj (AQ20) and downed the first two bosses, with a few good attempts on Buru the Gorger (optional boss often done third). We've made no attempts on higher raid content for obvious numbers reasons.
Basically, I'd really like to see us clear AQ20 at least once (I personally loathe the last boss, but it is very satisfying to kill the bastard), and to at least have a stab or two at Molten Core before patch 4.0 hits; whilst Blizzard have once or twice mentioned that Vanilla raids shouldn't be affected by Cataclysm (one Dev or Blue poster going so far as to say that the only level 60 raids that won't be available anymore are the ones that have already been changed: Naxx and Onyxia), I'd rather not leave it to hope only to find that we're suddenly left with even fewer of the old raids to do a few months down the road.
Molten Core is definitely a possibility for us if we can get a few things sorted:
-firstly, Fire Resistance. Back in Ye Olde Days of vanilla raiding, resistance gear was an evil necessity, and it will be so again in Molten Core. Most of the professions can crank out some fire resistance stuff of use, including potions and elixirs, gear, enchants and I think even engineers can get a trinket or something. I'm not asking people to go full-tilt on making and getting this stuff ready yet, but to look up what your profession can do and try to acquire the recipes if you don't already have them. It'd also be worth not passing over gear with Fire Resistance on from instances (for example, your class trinket from Dire Maul). I'll try and find the kind of numbers we'll be needing so we know what to aim at.
-secondly, class/role balance. At present we have three tank-capable people that I know of. If there's anyone else capable of tanking that'd be interested in doing so, speak up so we can sort you out. Not all the tanks want to be a tank all the time, and they won't be available all the time, so more options would be great. Also, if we wish to do Molten Core, we need more people capable of removing Curses; most if not all of the boss fights involving Flamewalker type mobs (the ones that look like fiery version of Naga) involve some variety of nasty curse, usually related to mana. Even at level 80, those curses are a tremendous pain, and thus we need a couple of people to remove them. This means druids, mages, and resto shammies. So far as I know, we have two off-spec Resto Shammies, one sometimes-around mage, and one sometimes-around non-tank Druid; if there's anyone else around or interested in stepping up to the plate, make it known! Also on the note of class balance, we currently have no Warlocks at all, and room for more of basically any class (apart from DKs and preferably no more Paladins ).
-thirdly, gearing. Gearing in general is much more difficult from vanilla content than TBC and Wrath, huh? Even with the improved blue items from dungeons and quest rewards, it's pretty tricksy. Anyone in need of improving their gearing, I'd recommend you go look up stuff on Wowhead and play with the filters. As a general rule of thumb, if anything has an item level over 60, it's probably Burning Crusade gear and should be avoided. If there's anything you need from crafting, I'm sure someone in LX or The Haven can make it on at least one of their characters, or can get at it easily/soonish (I myself am slowly on-and-off working on getting Thorium Brotherhood Exalted on my Blacksmith Death knight).
...long post is much longer than I intended it to be. Sorry!
TL;DR: we're doing pretty well, and I reckon we can go further if we can gear up a little more and pester some people to be around more, or, even better, get more people interested!
We've made one venture into the Ruins of Ahn'qiraj (AQ20) and downed the first two bosses, with a few good attempts on Buru the Gorger (optional boss often done third). We've made no attempts on higher raid content for obvious numbers reasons.
Basically, I'd really like to see us clear AQ20 at least once (I personally loathe the last boss, but it is very satisfying to kill the bastard), and to at least have a stab or two at Molten Core before patch 4.0 hits; whilst Blizzard have once or twice mentioned that Vanilla raids shouldn't be affected by Cataclysm (one Dev or Blue poster going so far as to say that the only level 60 raids that won't be available anymore are the ones that have already been changed: Naxx and Onyxia), I'd rather not leave it to hope only to find that we're suddenly left with even fewer of the old raids to do a few months down the road.
Molten Core is definitely a possibility for us if we can get a few things sorted:
-firstly, Fire Resistance. Back in Ye Olde Days of vanilla raiding, resistance gear was an evil necessity, and it will be so again in Molten Core. Most of the professions can crank out some fire resistance stuff of use, including potions and elixirs, gear, enchants and I think even engineers can get a trinket or something. I'm not asking people to go full-tilt on making and getting this stuff ready yet, but to look up what your profession can do and try to acquire the recipes if you don't already have them. It'd also be worth not passing over gear with Fire Resistance on from instances (for example, your class trinket from Dire Maul). I'll try and find the kind of numbers we'll be needing so we know what to aim at.
-secondly, class/role balance. At present we have three tank-capable people that I know of. If there's anyone else capable of tanking that'd be interested in doing so, speak up so we can sort you out. Not all the tanks want to be a tank all the time, and they won't be available all the time, so more options would be great. Also, if we wish to do Molten Core, we need more people capable of removing Curses; most if not all of the boss fights involving Flamewalker type mobs (the ones that look like fiery version of Naga) involve some variety of nasty curse, usually related to mana. Even at level 80, those curses are a tremendous pain, and thus we need a couple of people to remove them. This means druids, mages, and resto shammies. So far as I know, we have two off-spec Resto Shammies, one sometimes-around mage, and one sometimes-around non-tank Druid; if there's anyone else around or interested in stepping up to the plate, make it known! Also on the note of class balance, we currently have no Warlocks at all, and room for more of basically any class (apart from DKs and preferably no more Paladins ).
-thirdly, gearing. Gearing in general is much more difficult from vanilla content than TBC and Wrath, huh? Even with the improved blue items from dungeons and quest rewards, it's pretty tricksy. Anyone in need of improving their gearing, I'd recommend you go look up stuff on Wowhead and play with the filters. As a general rule of thumb, if anything has an item level over 60, it's probably Burning Crusade gear and should be avoided. If there's anything you need from crafting, I'm sure someone in LX or The Haven can make it on at least one of their characters, or can get at it easily/soonish (I myself am slowly on-and-off working on getting Thorium Brotherhood Exalted on my Blacksmith Death knight).
...long post is much longer than I intended it to be. Sorry!
TL;DR: we're doing pretty well, and I reckon we can go further if we can gear up a little more and pester some people to be around more, or, even better, get more people interested!