Level 60 raiding guild: naming time

What shall we call the Level 60 raid guild?

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Well-Known Member
I made a seperate thread just for the purposes of naming this guild, since I will soon be buying the guild charter and making the guild, so we can at least have a guild bank to store stuff in (tradeskill goods, quest-related items, librams, hand-ins, you name it).

Any major discussion for the level 60 efforts can go in the other thread.

Before we decide on a name, I just want to make a few things clear to avoid confusion:

1. You don't have to be in this new guild to participate in the level 60 raiding! You can have the character in this guild, The Haven, unguilded, with another guild, it doesn't matter. This guild is to act as a central place to have a guild bank, and to provide a recognisable guild tag to anyone who wants it.

2. For those of you who aren't in The Haven but look at these forums: you don't have to be in The Haven on any characters! If you're a friend to the guild, you're just as welcome as any member of The Haven to participate in our raiding venture.

3. Level 80 progression raids (ie Ulduar and Trial of the Crusader) will always take priority over the level 60 activities, so we'll be aiming to have this on different days (eg Thursday and Sunday, or whatever best suits the majority).

That said, let's work out a name! I'll put some up on the poll, and I think I can add more later if there are any popular suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Can't use apostrophes, I don't think, hence why I didn't use a few of the original suggestions that had them in >_<


Well-Known Member
Looks like "THN Floorcows" is winning so far!

More votes would be great, and you don't have to be in the guild or even in WoW right now (eg Nanor, Bloke, etc) to pitch in; I'm just looking for which name people think is best. I'll give it a few more days before I roll with whichever is most popular.


Well-Known Member
I'll make my decision at raid time tonight and announce it then. At present, it looks like Haven LX is the winner, but if one pulls up to the same number of votes, we can have an in-game tie-breaker or something.

Once the name's been decided, I'll fill in the guild charter my shammie's holding onto and we can make the guild... and I'll FINALLY be able to dump all that old-world stuff that's clogging her mailbox up into a guild bank -_-


Staff member
Why create a new guild rather than a new rank within the existing one ?

More curious than anything ...


Well-Known Member
Why create a new guild rather than a new rank within the existing one ?

More curious than anything ...

Out of ranks, and we could use a new guild bank to store all the vanilla materials, recipes, quest hand-ins, etc... we're almost out of room in the main guild bank and we have all the tabs, so using that one simply wouldn't be an option.

And, like I said, it's not one that people have to join; they can stay in The Haven or wherever, the main point of it is for a fun name and a guild bank.


Active Member
I´m not getting the meaning of current favorite (Haven LX) - could someone help out please? :-?