Well-Known Member
Ever since our first proper UBRS, things have been a little bumpy and infrequent with our level 60 activities, so I'm going to try and consolidate all the relevant info from recent times into this thread for people to catch up, and for us to aim anyone at if they want to know what's what.
First up, raiding day for us is now Tuesday; this has thus far seemed to be a bit better than Sundays for us, and so will carry on as such for the time being.
Secondly, our current progress!
Zul'gurub: Snake and Bat bosses cleared with a group of six people, followed by all other bosses bar Jin'do the Hexxer being cleared with seven people (Symphony joined us on his druid just after we downed the Bat). Yes, this includes Hakkar himself! The number of people kept things challenging and fun whilst not being a total struggle! Jin'do, however, will quite definitely require more people, especially DPS, although how many more is as yet unclear.
The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ20): We went in with 9-10 people last Tuesday. Kurinnaxx and General Rajaxx were both downed on their second attempts, and we had a good few goes on Buru the Gorger, getting him to his second phase once. Obviously AQ20 is a fair step up from ZG, but I daresay that we could manage all but the last boss with 10 people given a bit more gearing and practice.
Next, a few details about where we stand with classes and roles:
Tanks: At the moment we have three level 60 tanks listed in LX; Eryn (Protadin), Raexin (Protadin) and Oapa (Prot Warrior). Oapa, usually known as Toulen, has been inactive for a while and I haven't been able to contact them, so we have the two Protadins as our tanks; this is not a bad thing at all, however most (if not all) of ZG and AQ20 requires two tanks, leaving us somewhat limited. If other people are thinking of joining in with our raids, it'd be awesome if they consider having a tank spec and the gear for it if their class has a tanky spec.
Healers: We have a few dedicated healers, and several people with a healing off-spec. Thus far healer performance has been fantastic, with a special mention going to Razaak for both his Druid and now his Priest (on his druid he solo-healed the first two ZG bosses, which is no small feat imo). I don't know if the need for more healers is critical at this stage, but I'd urge people with a heal-capable class to consider having a dual-spec and gear for healing, just in case.
DPS: DPS hasn't been too much of an issue thus far, but more is welcome. If in time we can aim at Molten Core, we'll need a LOT more DPS, so feel free to have that DPS spec ready and kitted out for some ownage! Level 60 DPS can be quite tricky due to the talent trees being designed with level 80 in mind, and the gear intended for your class not always supporting how it works now, but we're not approaching this like we would, say, ICC, and I'm sure people can help you out if you want to improve.
Classes in general: Well, we have a lot of Paladins, so I think we're sorted on that front
. We seem to have a faaaiiirly reasonable spread, apart from the absence of any Warlocks (that I can remember), and currently just the one active rogue and mage. Besides Death Knight, any class is fine, although I'd perhaps suggest not rolling a Paladin for this, if you're still undecided on class; obviously go for it if you want, though!
The key thing, no matter which role or class you go for, is that you have fun! Remember that this venture is about experiencing the level 60 content, playing with friends, and enjoying yourself!
Finally, about gear, enchants, rep and the guild bank:
Some of you might have noticed that the guild bank is absolutely jam-packed with stuff. First off, note that that isn't ALL of our stuff; Razaak has another bank with enchanting materials, and I know that there's a lot of Zul'gurub and Ahn'qiraj rep tokens floating around in mailboxes between my characters and I daresay some other peoples' characters as well.
Gear: If you see a piece of gear in the LX guild bank that you want, ask one of the officers to get it out for you! If you're raiding with us but aren't in LX, just ask someone in LX for what kind of stuff we have in the bank; you don't need to be in the guild to get at the stuff if you're going to be raiding with us!
Enchants: We have a few enchanters around, including Casadiel (you'll have to ask around for who else is an enchanter; if you're in LX, most people note professions in their guild/officer note). If you want an enchant for your gear, poke them (or a higher-level enchanter if they have the enchants you want; I have a good number of them on Lithaella). We can get materials out of the guild bank to cover the enchants on your gear! Also, remember that you can get enchants for certain pieces of gear from sources such as Zul'gurub (Primal Hakari Idol + your class's Voodoo Doll = your class's ZG enchant), certain Librams, and you can fill in the gaps with armour patches; just remember, no TBC/WotLK enchants, armour patches or spellthreads!
Rep: If you're after specific gear or recipes from reputation factions such as the Argent Dawn, Thorium Brotherhood, Zandalar Tribe or the Cenarion Circle, we can probably help you out with that with various rep hand-ins from the guild bank. In the case of the class sets from ZG and AQ20, it'd be best to wait until you have the appropriate raid-dropped item that you need to hand in before we dump rep hand-ins on you (particularly with the AQ20 sets, as these require rep, raid-dropped class-specific items, and various idols/scarabs/etc). If you're unsure, grab me for more info and we can work it out!
In closing, things are going slowly but well at the moment! There's always room for more people, and anyone who was involved before but dropped out when everything went quiet is obviously still welcome along. If you want in, or want to know more than this forum can tell you, ask myself or another one of LX's officers for information! I'm sure that if we can get better attendance, that we might have a shot at trying Molten Core before patch 4.0!
First up, raiding day for us is now Tuesday; this has thus far seemed to be a bit better than Sundays for us, and so will carry on as such for the time being.
Secondly, our current progress!
Zul'gurub: Snake and Bat bosses cleared with a group of six people, followed by all other bosses bar Jin'do the Hexxer being cleared with seven people (Symphony joined us on his druid just after we downed the Bat). Yes, this includes Hakkar himself! The number of people kept things challenging and fun whilst not being a total struggle! Jin'do, however, will quite definitely require more people, especially DPS, although how many more is as yet unclear.
The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ20): We went in with 9-10 people last Tuesday. Kurinnaxx and General Rajaxx were both downed on their second attempts, and we had a good few goes on Buru the Gorger, getting him to his second phase once. Obviously AQ20 is a fair step up from ZG, but I daresay that we could manage all but the last boss with 10 people given a bit more gearing and practice.
Next, a few details about where we stand with classes and roles:
Tanks: At the moment we have three level 60 tanks listed in LX; Eryn (Protadin), Raexin (Protadin) and Oapa (Prot Warrior). Oapa, usually known as Toulen, has been inactive for a while and I haven't been able to contact them, so we have the two Protadins as our tanks; this is not a bad thing at all, however most (if not all) of ZG and AQ20 requires two tanks, leaving us somewhat limited. If other people are thinking of joining in with our raids, it'd be awesome if they consider having a tank spec and the gear for it if their class has a tanky spec.
Healers: We have a few dedicated healers, and several people with a healing off-spec. Thus far healer performance has been fantastic, with a special mention going to Razaak for both his Druid and now his Priest (on his druid he solo-healed the first two ZG bosses, which is no small feat imo). I don't know if the need for more healers is critical at this stage, but I'd urge people with a heal-capable class to consider having a dual-spec and gear for healing, just in case.
DPS: DPS hasn't been too much of an issue thus far, but more is welcome. If in time we can aim at Molten Core, we'll need a LOT more DPS, so feel free to have that DPS spec ready and kitted out for some ownage! Level 60 DPS can be quite tricky due to the talent trees being designed with level 80 in mind, and the gear intended for your class not always supporting how it works now, but we're not approaching this like we would, say, ICC, and I'm sure people can help you out if you want to improve.
Classes in general: Well, we have a lot of Paladins, so I think we're sorted on that front
The key thing, no matter which role or class you go for, is that you have fun! Remember that this venture is about experiencing the level 60 content, playing with friends, and enjoying yourself!
Finally, about gear, enchants, rep and the guild bank:
Some of you might have noticed that the guild bank is absolutely jam-packed with stuff. First off, note that that isn't ALL of our stuff; Razaak has another bank with enchanting materials, and I know that there's a lot of Zul'gurub and Ahn'qiraj rep tokens floating around in mailboxes between my characters and I daresay some other peoples' characters as well.
Gear: If you see a piece of gear in the LX guild bank that you want, ask one of the officers to get it out for you! If you're raiding with us but aren't in LX, just ask someone in LX for what kind of stuff we have in the bank; you don't need to be in the guild to get at the stuff if you're going to be raiding with us!
Enchants: We have a few enchanters around, including Casadiel (you'll have to ask around for who else is an enchanter; if you're in LX, most people note professions in their guild/officer note). If you want an enchant for your gear, poke them (or a higher-level enchanter if they have the enchants you want; I have a good number of them on Lithaella). We can get materials out of the guild bank to cover the enchants on your gear! Also, remember that you can get enchants for certain pieces of gear from sources such as Zul'gurub (Primal Hakari Idol + your class's Voodoo Doll = your class's ZG enchant), certain Librams, and you can fill in the gaps with armour patches; just remember, no TBC/WotLK enchants, armour patches or spellthreads!
Rep: If you're after specific gear or recipes from reputation factions such as the Argent Dawn, Thorium Brotherhood, Zandalar Tribe or the Cenarion Circle, we can probably help you out with that with various rep hand-ins from the guild bank. In the case of the class sets from ZG and AQ20, it'd be best to wait until you have the appropriate raid-dropped item that you need to hand in before we dump rep hand-ins on you (particularly with the AQ20 sets, as these require rep, raid-dropped class-specific items, and various idols/scarabs/etc). If you're unsure, grab me for more info and we can work it out!
In closing, things are going slowly but well at the moment! There's always room for more people, and anyone who was involved before but dropped out when everything went quiet is obviously still welcome along. If you want in, or want to know more than this forum can tell you, ask myself or another one of LX's officers for information! I'm sure that if we can get better attendance, that we might have a shot at trying Molten Core before patch 4.0!