Levelling madness


Staff member
A quick heads up, firstly I'm liking WoW a lot - good fun and lots to do. But I have several problems and the solution to all of them involves levelling up.

Firstly - my alchemy is now sat at 150 - in order to progress this further I have to be level 20 *grumbles*.

Secondly - I'm sat on the cusp of level 17 and despite my best efforts not to level I obviously have done ... even just wandering around finding herbs took me to new areas and gave me enough experience from that alone to level (and get ganked in the process for my innocent herb tourist type troubles).

Finally I've about four completed quests waiting to be handed in and a tonne more that I want to get on with (wahey more levels here we come ...).

So can I ask that we up our level limit to around 22 for the next session which should give me some leeway to actually play the game without starting a second character ?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I did see this coming, I admit.

At eight levels difference grouping becomes unworkable. Realistically, a six level disparity in a group at our level, is about the maximum that can play together. More than that and the low levels do two unfortunate things:

  1. They die a lot, costing them a lot of money in kit repairs.
  2. The accidentally pull mobs that the group could otherwise have walked straight past, as aggro-range is based on mob level difference.

Nanor suggested that 18 is the maximum level one can be for Ragefire Chasm but I wouldn't worry too much about that. There are plenty of other instances even if you don't go into RFC.

Picking up on a thoughts I put in the [thread=1075]"Thoughts on playing together" thread[/thread]...

Ronin Storm said:
There are two main situations that are likely to occur. One is that a small number of us play more or level harder than the rest and so starting pushing ahead of the rest of us. The other is that one or two get caught up with things in the real world and don't get as much opportunity to play as the rest of us, so fall behind.

My impression is that we've got the majority of people around 16/17, one or two about to forge off to 19/20, and one or two stuck at around 13/14, and even one stuck at 10 (Fury). We're shortly going to diverge in play locations, quests and instances.

Catching up isn't easy and in my experience in other games, over time, doesn't happen. People play as much as they want to play and play groups diverge.

So, I think it's probably pointless you being arbitrarily capped at level 17, especially as you're enjoying play. I think it'll turn frustrating really quickly.

For those outleveling the rest, I previously suggested:

Ronin Storm said:
the people who are forging ahead can make alts and play those as well. They get plenty of chance to play, still, without pushing their main characters too far ahead.

I overheard Nanor not being overly enthused by this idea. I get the impression, from Haven's post, that he's not enthused by that either.

For those falling behind:

Ronin Storm said:
we can spend some play sessions really working on helping them catch up, or we can deliberately start seeding lower level characters from time to time so that we can, when we want, play across various different levels with various different people.

As the lowest active player until Fury returns, I think that the "helping catch up" is going to be difficult for others to do for me as WoW isn't a front-and-centre activity for me at the moment and I'm exceedingly busy with work -- next week I'm going to be away for four days straight on work, completely away from the Net, for example. In that time I expect the average group level to have hit 20/21 at least (perhaps as high as 23/24), where I doubt I'll have made it much past 15/16 and Fury still won't be back.

I really do see that the only solution is to seed lower level characters or accept that in a play group of our size it just isn't reasonable to expect to be able to maintain a cohesive playgroup.

Either way, it does seem to me to only be a frustration to be told to slow down at something you find fun, and that'd be pointless. I guess just keep playing, but keep an eye on where you are in relation to the others and consider an alt or two if that gaps starts to really grow.


Junior Administrator
Dude... just go for it. If we do end up doing instances, etc. with other people and a few of us end up levelling higher, then tough. Don't stop playing just to keep up with the other as other people will obviously have different time frames for being able to play the game. Over the past weekend I managed to get a brand new character to lvl 14, ahead of Ronin in 2 days!!! :D

If we do end up getting ahead of ourselves then all we need to do is help the lower level people progress when they need help!


In Cryo Sleep
I never thought of running two characters. Any suggestions as to what would be an appropriate alt to complement everyone else?


New Member
An old thread, I know..
But after reading through this, does the difference in level problem still apply.

I am currently Level 10, and expect at my current rate to be Level 15/16 by the end of this weekend.
But do you guys want or need a low level grunt shadowing you?
It wont be fun for me being picked off in the first minute of every fight, or for you having to resurrect me or hang about waiting for me.
But on the other side, I didnt start to play this game to be stuck on my todd.
Hanging about with friends ingame is alot of fun, and a shared experience is always more satisfying. Also my learning curve would be a hell of a lot steeper, if I run quests with higher level characters.

I am not trying to run before I can walk, but remember not all new players to a game are stupid either.
Is there an answer/compromise?

Also note that this question may be posed again very soon. A lot of new players are being enticed by the new Free 10 day trial.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'm level 18 and I've been technically playing as long as the rest of them here. It's getting time for the players of more developed characters to seriously consider some alts to play with new entrants.

The level difference does still matter, though you could come play with the Battlegrounds with me straight away. Warsong Gulch, at the north of The Barrens, in the 10-19 stream.


Junior Administrator
heh... don't worry about it. If we're on, some of us are normally (unless we are in an instance) morea than happy to come help you with your quests and point out locations of stuff, etc...

Myself included.


Staff member
I've a level 10 alt (undead rogue) and I'd be happy to log in as him and help out where needed. I'm very very into killing alliance though so I'll probably drag you into more fights than I'll save you from :)


Junior Administrator
At level 10 there aren't many situations where you will end up against alliance so don't worry about Haven pulling you into fights against alliance. Just worry abut him running off in random directions to gather herbs...


Staff member
He's a leather worker :)

ooh look a cute and fluffy animal !

*runs off skinning knife in hand and an evil glint in his eye*


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Yeah but if you are a leatherworker at least you try and kill the beast first rather than aggroing it :) :) :)


New Member
Just an observation..

When people organise a Raid/ Instance/ Gankfest or any other event, can they please specify a level range for the event.