LF a wireless headset!


Well-Known Member
OK, I recently just broke my microphone and have fallen back on an old one. I realised anything with wires I generally break. So I thought I could use less wires and go wireless! Yay!

Rep to anyone who finds me a reasonably good cheap, wireless headset, preferably not USB, though I don't mind.


Well-Known Member
Ooh, have some rep!

Also, anyone else who finds a good one will get rep!

EDIT: Wait? IS that actually a microphone or just a headset?


Junior Administrator
oops :D

but I have a set-up where I use one of the cheap pencil-type mics such as this and then have separate headphones. This means that the mic doesn't need to move (as it sits on the desk all the time) and the headphones are also quite nice and you haven't got a little pokey thing that you end up eating every so often either!!! :D


Junior Administrator
reasonably good cheap, wireless headset

never going to happen, well all depends on how you define cheap really. if £100 is cheap then i'm jealous and there are plenty of reasonably good ones. if not then whens ur bday?
if i was you i'd spend time learning not to break things, eat a baby or 2 then buy a half decent wired headset and try not to destroy it.

also go for the that bloke technique and get the Sennheiser. they are solid headphones from reputable company.


New Member
Hmm not sure I would recommend Plantronics though. They are teh ghey for me. And that pair isn't exactly whaty i'd classify as cheap. but then again considering it's wireless then its all relative.