Life Expectancy Calculator

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Biological: 34
Virtual: 27.2
Expectancy: 80.8

Not too bad given the relative level of stress I've felt in the last year.

(Of course, ultimately meaningless. :) )


New Member
Biological Age: 26
Virtual Age: 11
Expectancy: 88.8

It seems I have a healthier virtual life that most of you guys xD


In Cryo Sleep
It asks two questions at once, and only lets you choose pairs of answers. I dont have diabetes, but a relative does :S, but i can either have both, or neither.

"single or married". lol. good selection of options in between. "cheating". lol.

I am 23 years old

Virtual: 17

Expectancy: 80

not too bad. Only another twenty thousand days on this godforsaken planet ;-)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Biological Age 34
Virtual Age 17.9!!!!!

Life expectancy 90.

Not bad :D


In Cryo Sleep
Biological age: 23
Virtual Age 19.5

Life Expectancy: 77.5

As long as i can still take a whizz like a boss when im that old sounds pretty fair :D Now hurry up and invent hoverboards like in back to the future!


Junior Administrator

Biological Age: 22
Virtual Age: 11

Average life expectancy: 74
My life expectancy: 85.1

23,000 more days!

Not entirely sure about my Virtual Age there :rolleyes:


Super Moderator
Staff member
Biological Age: 22
Virtual Age: 8.8

Average life expectancy: 74
My life expectancy: 87.2

given i'm a lazy slob that kinda surprises me :/
though also i have a blood pressure that is below any of those scales so probably should take some time off that...


Well-Known Member
Biological Age: 22
Virtual Age: 40.5

Average life expectancy: 74
My life expectancy: 55.5

I'd like to say this surprises me, but it doesn't. Apparently history of every disease in your family ever and frequent depression coupled with unemployment and lack of caring about anything means you get to leave early - I feel I've won.


Active Member
Biological age 39
Virtual age 18.4

Life expectancy 95.6

Ya'll gonna be stuck with me for a bit...