Linen Bags (6 slot) available

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Got 7 linen bags (6 slot) available, thanks to SgtFury's wonderful linen contributions.

Fury has first dibs on the bags, up to 4 of them. Rest go on a need-before-greed basis. Dibs in now, please.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Knew donating that would come in handy :) Ive only managed to find 1 red pouch so 3 would be nice cheers Ronin :)

I've actually got some 2 more Linen stacks I can send your way too.

Has anyone gone Engineering or Blacksmithing? I have some Copper and Malachite for them.


Well i'm willing to wait, and any linen i get is urs, but yeh i need 3 please, but in ur own time thanks