Local elections-a glimpse of the future?


New Member
Go HERE for the latest results, courtesy of the beeb.

Overall, the Conservative party seems to have done the best in these local elections. Labour have made a substantial loss in England, Wales and Scotland. In Wales, Plaid Cymru gained seats, and in Scotland, the SNP also gained from Labour. Is this a glimpse of things to come? Are the conservatives making a comeback? Do the results in Wales and Scotland indicate a desire for more independence, or did they win votes through desperation of not wanting to vote labour?

One of the key questions raised by these results is how labour plan to win back those seats before the next General Election. Will Gordon Brown be able to pick things up, or will their results continue to head south? So many questions, so little time...


Active Member
I think the last few years (Mainly the handling of the war on terror) have severely damaged Labours reputation. On top of that, Gordon Brown personally suffered a massive loss in trust from the public due to the way he screwed up the pensions.

With those two combined I think lots of people are abandoning Labour. I can't say for certain, but I hope the votes for the "Independance" parties were more about not voting Labour than actually wanting independance.

To answer your last question, I highly doubt Gordon Brown will be able to turn things around, mostly because people don't trust him anymore. I think Labour would have more success if they fired him (and Blair), and got in someone new.


Junior Administrator
I couldn't vote because I'm in a different continent... oh well, I'll be back before the General Election :). Anyway, this is my excuse to say "you can't blame me for the idiots in government!" :p