[LoL] Ranked team


Active Member
Morning, y'all.
First off, I know there's a dedicated LoL social group, but since noone really ever checks it out, I'm posting this here to help people notice the thread.

I want to create a ranked team of THNers and a friend of mine. The reasons for this are fairly obvious - better matches, noone raging and trolling you, better coordination over TS, dedicated roles etc.

Who is interested and wants in? With what preferred roles?

We will need an overhang of people, because surely we won't always be all present and available. Time and date of matches will be discussed later when we get peeps :) I can't really dedicate to anything, it'll have to be ad hoc a bit.

I usually play support or jungler, but I like to play Morganna/Ahri /Vlad mid as well, or Irelia top.

See you on the battlefield :)


In Cryo Sleep
Count me in although a few warnings:
1) I'm rusty. been a while since I played regularly
2) I cant get on much these days. its a case on "If i'm on i'll join you" i might be able to schedule in 1 or 2 matches a week guaranteed.
3) I have an even w/L ratio. I'm not a kick ass high elo player but I'm well mannered and know "how" to play, its just sometimes my fingers don't do what they're told
4) my preferred roles are: anything, but i'm not good enough at jungling imo for ranked (unless i can get maokai), but in ranked i can play a decent support (sona/taric), carry (mf, cait, ashe), tank (jungle maokai, laning volibear) or mid (brand all the way)

If thats of any use and you have a spare slot in the roster add me up :) (summoner name: Orobi)


In Cryo Sleep
obviously i can play most other champs to a degree (i have all but 3 unlocked), and if i'm designated a role and my preferred champs are taken i can adapt, but i like to know a champ inside out if i'm taking them into ranked, and these are my "happy list" champs i know i can outplay most other folks in a mirror match


In Cryo Sleep
I'm definately in. Again I can fill most roles but I've been going with Gragas for mid or solo top, kog'maw for AD carry. Soraka for support (Thought I'm crap at it) and Jungle rammus. I can probably pull out some other random style stuff if needed as well.


Active Member
I have added Zeej and will add you guys into our team later today. Frankly, I'm moving past being patient enough to play with randoms - it's particularly bad when you play a support and your carry sucks - and then proceeds to blame you for his failures. Had two such games yesterday in a row and then had to quit or otherwise I would've smashed the keyboard into smithereens.

Also, jungle amumu rocks boxxorz.

EDIT: Yeeah, playing with pubbies is fail. I ain't doing it anymore.


New Member

I accepted the invitation some time ago, but not much seem to happen???
Why don't we pick a day/night to play on: A LoLnight :)

I can make it on thursday, friday and saturday. On the evenings that is!

I play AP mid (malza mostly, but can play Ahri and Swain too.) Or Support.

See ya on the fields of justice,


New Member
Yeah I agree that a day needs to be set for this, Im free any day apart from Friday Saturdays and Sundays


Ok I have signed up, been busy lately not had a chance to play LOL. For those who have not played with me my chars are Brand and Hemi mid, Corki as AD carry, Rammus as tank, and Mundo, cos MUNDO GOES WHERE HE PLEASES!
Also first post! Finally signed up to forums!