Well-Known Member
Hi all,
Got a couple of upcoming paladins (myself and Solemn) and Was hoping for some solid feedback to the following questions:
I've noticed the early holy talent seem to really suck. So haven't put any points in holy at all for levelling - going for 0/19/52. Wanted to check this is a good spec and I'm not missing anything obvious (we are breezing through all content, can do 3-man elites but not 5-man).
Are auras raid-wide or group-wide?
Raid - Holy
Need to know core talents, and what sort of gear to go for i.e. primary stats (spell power, mp5 or spirit? etc.)
Also general healing tips, which spells to use and when. Typical healer scenarios (one of us is contemplating trying healer but it's a whole new playstyle so e'd be completely new to it)
Bubbles - which, and when and on whom?
Should I ever dps?
Raid - Tank
Need to know core talents, and what sort of gear to go for i.e. primary stats (Defense, stam? etc.)
I am thinking of being a tank..rarrr. Could use some help getting together some initial bits.. I know we have capable smiths so was wondering if there were any options for lower-than-AH costs (already bought the shield).
Aggro management - which abilities do I use and when (same question for OT and MT)
Bubbles - which, and when?
Raid - Retri
Need to know core talents, and what sort of gear to go for i.e. primary stats (AP, crit?, etc.)
Also is this a viable raid addition for DPS? Do any talents stack such as the 3% haste one?
Bubbles - which, and when and on whom?
Put simply, what is the "best" spec? I am guessing retri, with some points in prot (pretty much how I'm specced now)?
Got a couple of upcoming paladins (myself and Solemn) and Was hoping for some solid feedback to the following questions:
I've noticed the early holy talent seem to really suck. So haven't put any points in holy at all for levelling - going for 0/19/52. Wanted to check this is a good spec and I'm not missing anything obvious (we are breezing through all content, can do 3-man elites but not 5-man).
Are auras raid-wide or group-wide?
Raid - Holy
Need to know core talents, and what sort of gear to go for i.e. primary stats (spell power, mp5 or spirit? etc.)
Also general healing tips, which spells to use and when. Typical healer scenarios (one of us is contemplating trying healer but it's a whole new playstyle so e'd be completely new to it)
Bubbles - which, and when and on whom?
Should I ever dps?
Raid - Tank
Need to know core talents, and what sort of gear to go for i.e. primary stats (Defense, stam? etc.)
I am thinking of being a tank..rarrr. Could use some help getting together some initial bits.. I know we have capable smiths so was wondering if there were any options for lower-than-AH costs (already bought the shield).
Aggro management - which abilities do I use and when (same question for OT and MT)
Bubbles - which, and when?
Raid - Retri
Need to know core talents, and what sort of gear to go for i.e. primary stats (AP, crit?, etc.)
Also is this a viable raid addition for DPS? Do any talents stack such as the 3% haste one?
Bubbles - which, and when and on whom?
Put simply, what is the "best" spec? I am guessing retri, with some points in prot (pretty much how I'm specced now)?