LonelyGirl15 + Boobs ...


In Cryo Sleep
Judging by your comment after the link, I assume you are aware how much these kind of things annoy people? :)

Personally, I can't stand any of this sort of thing; anti-GW Bush videos, Twin Towers conspiracy videos, poverty videos, videos for racial equality - all trying to shame you into doing something you wouldn't normally feel obliged to do. Electronic propaganda for the masses.

It was a decently put-together video, Ill give it that. Apart from the boobs, there's no need to lower the tone of your argument with that kind of rubbish.


In Cryo Sleep
I sir, challenge your comment that boobs are rubbish!

And at Haven. *bang*

Didn't Lonely Girl turn out to be a compnay masquerading as a teenager?


In Cryo Sleep
I agree with tetsuo.

Its well and good making videos pushing a point but I do feel a bit bombarded to feel guilt for people who have less than we do. We don't do enough but unfortunetly thats the way it is! wish it wasnt but it is.

Its a funni thing boobs and peoples obsession with them. You don't get obsessed with peoples arms or leggs!!


In Cryo Sleep
Yer, but peoples arms and legs dont jiggle up and down when you run now, do they? :D

piacular said:
I sir, challenge your comment that boobs are rubbish!

Indeed, boobs themselves (well, accompanied by a fabulously sleek female body) are fantastically un-rubbish, but when you use boobs to draw attention to your attention seeking video they lose their bouncy feminine appeal somewhat :)


In Cryo Sleep
They had their bouncy feminine appeal when they attracted you to the attention seeking video in the first place though, and I don't see why boobs should lose their charm when suddenly put into a different context :p.

Unless they're scaley and blurple, in which case, they do.

EDIT: Although, Mystique... Hmmm.


Staff member
I thought it was a well put toegether and poignant video - you are all free to disagree :)

I guess it struck a cord in me that it didn't in yourselves. I certainly didn't take from it the sense that it was trying to shame us into anything. I just found it thought provoking ... nothing more than that really. But then again anything that promotes me to thought has pretty much done its job anyway :)

I guess it interesting noting how differently people feel about these things - that alone made it worth posting up.


Junior Administrator
must admit i agree avec les haven on this one. this one didn't make me feel all "i hate bush" which most things do, as i really hate bush and everything he stands for but there we go. ok the whole i love breasts was a little not really needed but there u go. all in all quite liked this one. and the Hobbit apologises for the lack of grammar, spelling and punctuation. but there u go.


Well-Known Member
I too, don't like these types of videos. I mean, what where they thinking when they didn't give what they promised!! :p

I'm not pushed on this videos. I think there's a better way than alerting the people than making these videos.


In Cryo Sleep
but its all about the guilt. By showing you these images your supposed to feel bad and gulity you can't do much to help. When in reality theres no point in feeling guilty because one person donating a bit of cash isn't gonna cure world fammin. Not to say we shouldn't give and all. Just takes the rest of the world to do it


Staff member
... well if you're doing what you can then there's no reason to feel guilty. Obviously there's a limit to what you can do (I don't think you should lower your standards just so you can donate (more), for example - unless you particularly want to), so the guilt ride only works if you're actually not doing anything, methinks. If you are, then it's just a sad reminder. If you're not, however, then guilt isn't any reason to do good - at least not a good one.

So, back to what I meant about "making you think":

Being aware of the issues around the world maybe makes you think a bit about them, maybe discuss them with your friends or whatever. And then maybe makes you want to do something to maybe change them a little. Make the world a better place and all that. And yes, you're right about one person not making a change but you've heard the counter-argument for that one so many times I really don't want to repeat it here. Look at it like this: was that vid (ok, yes, it's not about that particular flick anymore, but I guess it wasn't from the start either) seen by one person only?

Ok, dragging on a bit here, I'll rein myself in.


In Cryo Sleep
The main thing which puts me off donating towards, helping, hell even thinking about all these people is the whole air of falseness (a word?) that surrounds it all. You get asked all the time 'help the poor, help the poor', you get celebrities like Bob Geldof attempting to forward a movement and all that springs to mind is - hypocrites. What about all these people who are rallying for support, eh? Asking for donations because they are so commited to the cause? Well, I dont see you giving up your plasma TV screen, or your Mazda, to help the cause. You want to help so much and you moan about how up-tight some of us are, and yet you're sitting there on your leather sofa as if its a god-given right. Bob Geldof isn't in it for anything more than image, thats something I avidly believe. Bono, if you want to pioneer this movement, why dont you lead by example and donate all your riches to the poor? No?

As long as nonsense like that goes on, it taints the whole do-good image.


Junior Administrator
Heh. this reminds me of something a friend told me. Don't know if you all remember the University Lecturer's strikes earlier this year? They wanted more money because Unis were getting more tuition money startig this year.

One of my friends was sat in a lecture, where the lecturer mentioned that if everyone in the world had equal wealth then all of us in the UK and other developed countries would be alot worse off...

The same lecturer then had the cheek to take 5 minutes at the end of the same lecture to tell them why they "deserved" more money.

I think that's the definition of hypocrite isn't it?


Staff member
Sorry, I'm not sure I got that right; because there are rich people who doesn't give _everything_ away (I adressed that in my earlier post), you're not giving anything to the people who needs it? It's not like the starving in Darfur asked Geldof and Bono to represent them...

If you didn't mean it that way, there are always options. I personally have a thing for Doctors without borders - not much hypocrisy there afaik... (at least not for the ones who volunteer, sure they get an allowance + rent etc paid at home, but compared to half a year of normal salary?)

In the end, it's not about a "Do-Good image". That's completely the wrong reason to help. But then again, if you help, who cares about your reasons?


Staff member
I disagree. It's all about levels of comparison. I really think you guys are being a bit anal about this - "If you say that it would be better if everyone was nice, then you cant EVER do anything that's not supernice, because then you're a hypocrite, nyah nyah".


In Cryo Sleep
Sorry, I'm not sure I got that right; because there are rich people who doesn't give _everything_ away (I adressed that in my earlier post), you're not giving anything to the people who needs it? It's not like the starving in Darfur asked Geldof and Bono to represent them...

Giving everything away is a bit too far, but its alright for Sir Bob to proclaim his support for anti-poverty movements when hes got his Ferrari to drive home in, isn't it? After he got his knighthood or MBE or NBC or whatever he's vanished from the scene completely, maybe throwing the occasional jibe and remark at our under-pressure leaders every now and then to keep the crowds happy. It keeps us interested, it sells him records. Everybody's happy.

Then there are the umpteen 'charities' who keep 99p out the pound for themselves, for 'administration costs' or some such shite. As long as nonsense like that sort of thing surrounds the whole affair, I dont feel any incentive whatsoever to give even a thought towards that kind of thing at the moment.

I also hope 'anal' was a misspelling of 'banal', because its all fair and well talking about the 'making you think, rather than making you do' issue until you chuck an insult because we think differently.


Staff member
"anal" was meant in the freudian sense (although perhaps a little loosely). Also, that nonsense you speak of, there are ways of avoiding it. Here in sweden only organisations who pass certain criterias (like being non-profit, a certain percentage of the donations must go to actual charities etc) are allowed to have bank number thingies starting with 90-. A state institution supervises this.