Looking for a couple of mats.


In Cryo Sleep
Hai Gais,

Time to milk you for all your worth. I'm after a couple of things and if any of you could provide it'd be winsome. If not I'll get farming when I get home from work tomorrow night. I also know that titanium is buggered right now with the new patch but I need some of it (or titansteel) so any odds and ends is even appreciated. Right, I need;

3 Khorium Ore (Alternatively 2 Bars)
7 Titansteel
2 of the new epic yellow gems.

Obviously some of this is a stretch but I'm sure I can get most, if not all of it with a good few hours work but it would be nice if anyone could help.

I should also point out that out of these mats there are three titansteel in the gbank along with three of the epic gems. I don't really want to take the gems yet, but I may...but if some of the officers can back me up thats it's cool for me to take the titansteel that'd be win.

Also, I'm sure Umb knows what this is for (Yes I got it already) but don't say. :)


-- Tuldur


Well-Known Member
2 Khorium & 2 Titanium sent (all I had, sorry)
Also a l70 purple and l80 blue, for the guild bank / anyone who wants em.

p.s. What's up with titanium? Found 3 deposits yesterday albeit all in caves.


New Member
I think I have the Titanium, il send it to you when I log on, when you have to much send the others back because i have to many bars anyway:)

goog luck with the other mats:)


In Cryo Sleep
Cheers Silk and Nactall. Will pick these up when I get home from work around midnight, and I'll be looking to do the 5-man around then aswell for those who could be around.


Dude... how long did it take?

About 120 Kills of the things I said in storm peaks. :)


New Member
Hmmz, I R sorry but for some reason my 2 stacks of titanium bars are gone :/ I can not recall at all that I have sold them... So dunno where they went.


Well-Known Member
Small note, Bone; the epic gems can all be bought uncut in the Hall of Legends (the one in Ogrimmar, not Lincoln) for 10k honour each. Add to that the ability to trade in 30 Stone Keeper's Shards for an account-bound token that gives 2000 honour on-use, and you have a way to quickly grab a load of gems, including the two you need. I bought four so far today with Ari's honour, rawks.