Looking for spellcloth


Staff member
Hi Folks

"Somehow" I would like to get my dirty little undead mitts on 10 x spellcloth to get my spellstrike pants for raiding

To do so I am prepared to give matts or buy outright, if you can make spellcloth of have a stash to sell then let me know as I'll be happy to buy for reasonable prices.


Haven (aka soulhaven)


In Cryo Sleep
tailors have a 4 day cooldown on the stuff. it also goes for 100g on the AH... very expensive but if you are a chinese gold farmer its all ok!!


Staff member
I dont care I still want my pants *stamps his angry little shadow damage imba foot*


Junior Administrator
I have a load of shadowcloth left o nQantaqa which you may be able to trade 1 for 1 for some spellcloth if u like (it's not as if i'm gonna need it for a while...)