Looking to buy a PC


New Member
So hey im looking to buy a decent enough pc that will run ok and also play games on obv not super pc.. does anyone know any goood SAFE websites to buy pc's off that will ship to ireland.. and if possible that are based in the UK?.. thanks :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I get all my components from some combination of Overclockers, Scan, Aria and very occasionally Amazon (usually Marketplace).


I just got a bundle from Overclockers, and am very impressed with it. I was also looking at their prebuilt machines, and while obviously not super cheap, they aren't that expensive for what you get. They have different levels (PC, Gamer, Super Gamer, Top of the line must have everything Gamer, etc.), so definitely worth a look IMO.

Have used Novatech, eBuyer and Scan in the past, and all are super handy too, as an FYI.


Junior Administrator
Can't remember excatly, but It's either the company that owns SCAN, or SCAN itself own Aria too. Not entirely sure why they weren't merged (They may not even be sister companies anymore either) But... back on topic

Any of those websites will do you Belfa.


Active Member
I get the impression hes asking regarding not doing a selfbuild, though i was myself impressed at one point with the prices, dont forget Alienware(dell)!


Active Member

If you'd had that [snip] in the original post I wouldn't have said anything :D

I thought the way the text read in my head was adequate, tbh i dont know how you read it differently, but you found a way.

I thought because the thread was called "looking to buy a pc" that meant we were talking about prebuilds already, not selfbuilds, as he wasnt asking to "build a pc".