Looting rules; finally clearing it up


Well-Known Member
Right, there's been a lot of confusion and discussion over loot recently, so here is a thread to clarify.

Firstly and most importantly; common sense! Always use it. Most of the time it's clear when you should or shouldn't roll. Use common sense, be fair, and remember that you aren't the only person in the raid.

Secondly, a little less optimistically, in case of complete disagreement, the Raid Leader and Officers will decide on it. If nobody can agree, we'll decide for you.

Finally; there is another sticky with looting rules in; READ THAT AS WELL!

The order of who is allowed to roll:

1) On-spec - this is your stated spec. Healing gear for healers, tanking gear for tanks, relevant DPS gear for DPSers. Nice and simple. You can't change your spec at the drop of a hat, you must talk to the Officers for this (note that we won't allow spec-hopping for gear's sake. Doing so may cause suspension of loot rights)
2) Re-spec - a spec that is NOT your stated spec, but that you're using in that given raid having had to respec to make that raid work. This also applies if you've had to bring an alt along to make the raid work (eg you bring a healer/tank alt instead of a DPS main)
3) Off-spec -for a spec other than your stated spec, like healers going for DPS gear. Also, if you bring an alt to a raid, typically they will count all rolls as off-spec.

The main exceptions to the above rules:

-PvP gear can in a very small number of circumstances be better for PvE than the PvE equivalent item. If this can be proven, bump up to one of the higher rolling tiers as appropriate
-Non-binding Profession patterns go to Progression, or get gbanked. Trial members aren't eligible.
-Non-binding Profession patterns that are used to make BoP items (ie the pattern is useful only for the person who learns it) are treated as the item it creates. That item is rolled on main-spec, or not at all. If there are no main-spec rolls, it gets gbanked.
-BoE epic items can go to anyone, but On-spec only. If not needed on-spec, they are gbanked. This typically applies to Kazzak and Doomwalker drops.

Things to think about or remember:

-If you truly aren't sure if it's an upgrade for you, ask the raid. If you still aren't sure, step down to "re-spec" level of rolling
-If it comes to it, the Raid Leader and Officers present will make a decision; this decision is not to be questioned
-This system is set up so as to be as fair as possible to everyone present, and to allow people to feel that they can work on each encounter with a fair shot at the loot that is present.

I'd like people to remember that whilst we raid, we also are a community guild, and will always be so. We will NOT be using systems such as DKP or Suicide Kings. If you have a strong feeling that you have an idea that would benefit the guild, then tell an officer, don't announce it in /g, /raid, Teamspeak, etc. Bear in mind that the Officers have discussed the system a lot, and came to a united conclusion.