LOTR Part 4


In Cryo Sleep
Masia and Peterson knocked on the door. The terrified man on the other side opened the slit slowly, a beady eye looked out.

Peterson leant down, so he was face to face with the man on the other side, who began to shake slightly. He regarded the man with faint trace of “Lol” on his face, then spake thusly.

“Fag. Let us in”. He said.
“Yeah” said Masia “Let us in, Faggot”.

The man paused. His terror welded him to the floor. His small piggy eyes peered out of the crossroads slit, regarding the two Death Knights with terror, suspicion and disgust.
He could not help but feel that letting them in would result in a terrible fate for not just the crossroads, but the entire of Moderate-Azeroth.

“Okay”. He said.

The Death Knights trotted slowly in. After about 10 yards, Masia turned round, rode back, felled the man and knocked down the door.

“Why” said Peterson ”Did you do that”
“Why not?” Said Masia.

The Hobbits had patently never been to Scotland. If they had, they would have been instantly able to identify and understand the accent of the man who woke them from their sleep”


The Hobbits instantly awoke. Midge and Titann fell out of their separate beds. Brad and Jamie fell out of theirs.

Belegon instantly and unsurprisingly failed to appear. Nobody commented on this.

“Yooseless!” Screamed the man, and put a bottle to his lips.

“This” Said Titann. “Really is an outrage. Who are you?”.

“Mah name! Ah say mah name! Is Aragorn. Some know me as Tuldur. But only one time. One time tonight”. Said the man

Midge hadn't been so terrified in a long time. He reached into his pants and gently fingered his bracelet. Miles away, Umbrator jumped bolt upright and ran his thin fingers through his Beard.
He scanned his dark surroundings, then appeared to relax.

“Git yerselves up and mooving” Said Tuldur. “Yer safe with me, Thingy asked me to help yoo get to Orgrimmar, where we can pick up some friends to help you on your way to Blackrock mountain”.

And so the Hobbits set out for Orgrimmar. On the way they came to. Razor Hill, an abandoned camp on a hill top. Tuldur told them to set up camp. And they did so.

Peterson was not a happy bunny. He was not even a happy Death Knight. He glowered at Masia.

“You just cant put them down can you?” He said, angrily.
“But they were so furr...” His companion replied.
“I am not bailing you out again” Said Peterson “We lost the damn Hobbits”
“So where are we going next?” Said Masia.
“Razor Hill” Said Peterson
“Why” Replied Masia
“Narrative Causality” Said Peterson.

“Foor Fecks Sake!” Said Tuldur “Poot that damn fire oot!”.
“Why?” Said Midge “Its cold”.
“Its okay” Said Brad “We can huddle together for warmth”.
“Bring on the trumpets!” Shouted Jamie. Nobody quite knew why”.

But it was too late. The dark shapes of the Death Knights were already outlined against the horizon.