Loyalty disbanded - new alliance with "ruined"


Staff member
Looks like loyalty finally kicked the bucket. I've formed an alliance with Ruined (lead by WarSpirit), say hello if you see him online. Looks like quite a few members from loyalty have joined ruined anyway.

The plan is to do Molten Core a.s.a.p.


Well-Known Member
Molten Core... omg... *runs around gleefully*

*pauses running*

Pity I only have one MC quest so far... (from the Hydraxian Waterlords in Azshara)... ah well, I can find more!

*resumes gleeful running*


Staff member
Yay did first molten core run last night - was very much fun. We will be working with the ashenorder as much (or possibly more) than ruined. I suspect ruined will be doing ZG and ashenorder MC so we'll see how this works out.


Well-Known Member
Actually, Ashen Order does a lot of ZG as well (I know this because my friends Zogga and Kaali are both in Ashen Order and they're very frequently in ZG).

And no offence to any good members of RuineD or anyone who likes that guild, but I think they're mostly a bunch of total idiots with little teamwork ability. That and I usually find RP raiding a lot more fun, as happened in MC with Ashen Order (who are an RP guild).

By the way; www.hordebloodpact.tk was the blood pact site that was being referred to, but as I said before, I can talk to Druella in game about us joining if people in the guild are interested...?


Staff member
If you could have a word and and pass my name along then it would be muchly appreciated. Having done a few bits and pieces with RuineD I tend to agree with your assessment. Let me know if you need me to do anything.

p.s. I've said hello and signed up on the ashenorder site.