Ludicrous stupidity. But what a result.


Junior Administrator

Quake 3.

On 2 monitors.
On 4 monitors.
On 8 monitors.
On 12 monitors.

On 24 monitors???

Well it's true, and it's been done. The guys at have been playing with their hardware setups, and, er, wow. It's expensive, blacks out a small town and requires hardware that would fill a swimming pool. But it is every techie's dream.

There's a couple of videos on their website, along with some high-res photos of the setup.

Of course at that stage I'd rather have a projector, but each to their own :D.​


Junior Administrator
I just got a link aboot this from eldiablo over MSN and then suddenly within 5 mins its here... i'm assuming that its become well-known then???


Junior Administrator
Yeah I found it on my regular net-trawling. It's becoming more popular and controversial - half of the people who view it see it as an acheivment, the other half are grumpy and tell the guys to just go and buy a projector! :D


Junior Administrator
yea but there is a massive difference in ePenis size when you use a 24 monitor array instead of a projector...


I got it from here thatbloke ;) Don't be fooled! DeZ found it before me. Although people on IRC that I speak to (not you lot) seem to have seen it ages ago.


Staff member
Another good way to increase the size of your ePenis is to put more serious in it!


In Cryo Sleep
BiG D said:
Another good way to increase the size of your ePenis is to put more serious in it!
This is true, putting more serious into your work is a sure way to increase the size of your ePenis