LX raiding


Well-Known Member
Right, we've got a fair few people of the various specs and classes sitting at or very close to 60 now, possibly enough to get something going.

Before we actually get started, we need to know where we stand with numbers overall, plus how many tanks, healers and dups we have (hopefully enough of the first two that some of the dualspec'd people that were offering to tank/heal but prefer to dups will get to dups).

Could everyone who is either at or will very shortly be at level 60 please shout out here with your name, class, level, mainspec and (if you're dualspec'd) offspec, and also shout out if you are ready for raiding?

Readiness in this case means the following: experience-locked, no longer wearing any Heirloom gear, not wearing any BC/Wrath gear.

Even if your gear is a little weak at the moment, I daresay that one or two quick runs of various places and making use of crafting professions can fix most people up quickly!

In case there are some people who aren't regular readers of the forums who'll be participating in the LX raid ventures, please poke any of your various friends that might be planning to join in. I'll set the LX Message of the Day as a reminder as well, but word of mouth will likely help more.

Anyhoo, I'll go first:

Koreyna, level 60 Shaman. Elemental mainspec, Resto offspec, reasonable gearing for both.


Eryn, bloodelf paladin, Prot Mainspec and Ret offspec. I prefer to tank. My gear is alright, not sure if its enough to start raidtanking though.


Active Member
Uligan, lvl60 huntard. Need to replace my heirloom shoulders, otherwise I'm good.


In Cryo Sleep
Levouts (nearly 60) : Feral-tank main, getting dualspec-prob balance or resto, have heirloom shoulders to get rid of but i will be running lots of scholo / strath to 60 hopefully :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Lilleh Petal
Race: Troll
Class: Huntress
Spec: BM
Current Level: 56
Pet: Ravager(Cunning)


Hexadin, level 57 mage. Spec: Frost. Gear: Mainly heirlooms and greenies.
Creepzz, level 46 priest. Spec: Discipline / Shadow. Gear: Mainly heirlooms and greenies.


Reaxin / Paladin / lvl 60 / prot main, raidfriendly gear / holy off-spec, ok for 5-mans.
Taeldi / Hunter / lvl 60 / MM, need some 5-mans before raids


In Cryo Sleep
Goldean: Ret pala good gear, possible tank off spec(got gear but not duel specced yet) No heirloom gear, but may be a gearing problem as i bought most of my gear wen i hit 60 on AH as a lot of people wernt there yet, lots of nice stuff and altho i know there isnt a problem with epic BOE gear being bought i have a fair few peices that r 60 but with BC specing because of the stupid bracket change in gear lev wen BC hit, so if i go in i guess ill have to down grade most of my gear even tho i havnt entered BC. Dont wanna cause an issue by bein over powered.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Zyr, level 60 Death Knight (the one and only). Mainspec is Unholy DPS, no offspec

Gear is reasonably blue, with useless trinkets and an epic level 51 sword

If needed, totally willing to switch to tanking, but no tanking gear whatsoever



New Member
Mabron - Level 60 Beast Master - My gear is better than what I had when I started raiding level 60 content 5 years ago. But we didn't know any better back then ;)


In Cryo Sleep
According to armory we have alot of tanks in guild so i did a quick talent swap, 60 now and resto main balance off :)


Originally Posted by SwampFae View Post
Lilleh Petal
Race: Troll
Class: Huntress
Spec: BM
Current Level: 56
Pet: Ravager(Cunning)

Originally Posted by Aliella View Post
Zellaa Petal
Race: Troll
Class: Priestess
Spec: Disc/Shadow
Current Level: 56
Update: We are now 57

Update: We are now 60