Mage advice


In Cryo Sleep
As some of you might know I've decided to continue leveling my mage, who is lvl 74 at the time of writing. I'd like some advice on leveling and endgame.

What spec do I take? What do I gear and gem for? What are good rotations? All of these things would be nice to know. I'm tired of only having a single lvl 80 character so I plan to level this character rather quickly and gearing him up for some endgame.

I'm currently specced frost, btw. I could buy dual spec, but I'm thinking of saving up for epic flight first.


Active Member
Epic flights gets you very little, especially if you have 50k banked.

Dont forget standard flight is now 150%.


For lvling i would say "go for the spec you have" cos frost kills mobs only a tad slower and will let you survive a bit longer alone.
For raiding you have 2 options realy. Frostfire (something like this) or arcane (like this tree maybe) is the standard ways to go in raids. ppl who do the maths (not me) say that those specs are the best for raiding. For some info on the frostfire mage look at this page and this for the arcane.
When i have a question about how to do things with my mage i google "arcane brilliance + whatever question i have" the boys and girls at that site know what they talk about and have helped me alot.
GL with your mage mate


Well-Known Member
Whether you go for FFB or arcane spec, pick to one and stick to it. Even as a mage you'll need two sets of gear if you want to be swapping between specs, due to the different values of stats for the different trees.

Personally I'm going arcane with my mage, I levelled as frost for 70 levels (60 technically I suppose), then dual specced into a raiding arcane build and was blown away by how much faster it was.

I might try out FFB when I hit 75 and actually get it, but atm it's just taking me two ABs and an MBarr proc to kill mobs, and is more mana efficient than frost.


In Cryo Sleep
I have taken my mage arcane and easily doing 3.5-4k dps in heroics. And in raids even up to 5k so go arcane. :P in terms of what you want stat wise, some say crit some say haste.
Haste=moar spells and more chance of you talents procing.
Crit= 20k arcane blast crits moar often :P.
Dont really try to gem for these but there tends to be either crit OR haste gear so choose which you would prefer.

In terms of a talent tree i have gone for all the obvious ones icy veins, 3 points in fire and i have also moved my points in arcane to get one point in incanters absorbtion, helps as you have fire ward frost ward and a high chance of being bubbled these days :).