Mage isnt working out


New Member
Hey guys so the mage isnt working out for me and the only class i have been playing is my shammy ( enhance) if i get him to 60 would you kind lx'ers be nice enough to have me.. sorry for letting you down with my mage but i like the shaman and can meelee or ranged dps and also heal if needed


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

We do have a ton of shammies, but LX isn't exactly progression. We're nine-manning stuff that used to be meant for forty people! :D

So, yeah, come with whatever is fun for you, you're welcome either way. :)



Well-Known Member
We don't have any Enhance shammies, so feel free. More use for the agi mail, since a lot of it has already been nabbed by the hunters :p

Also, finally a use for one-handed DPS weapons!


We have one already but healers are always needed and another wouldnt hurt.
Get another five (too ten) lvls and you have a spot in tomorows raid. :)


My Rogue hit 60 somewhere last week, i was just lvl'ing him for 80 but perhaps might use him for this. He is in full heirlooms and got some TBC stuff though, should be able to fix that soon enough.


You are more than welcome with the rogue Youn. We dont have a rogue so it would be wonderfull with some daggers placed in the back the bosses :)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

Need a Disc Priest ? Have one atm that is 50 :)

We need warm bodies, more than any one spec or another. :D You and your Disc priest will both be more than welcome! :)

If memory serves, the most people we've had together in an LX raid is nine, or maybe ten. If we can hit the twelve mark, the way things are nowadays, we have a real shot of clearing AQ20 and even maybe MC! :)
