Majesty's Revenue & Customs has admitted to losing the details of 25 million individu


In Cryo Sleep
Lest we forget this is strike two. On the sixth of November it was revealed that the pension details of 15,000 Standard Life customers were sent to the pension provider by HMRC via a third-party courier at the end of September. This disk also went missing and was not encrypted. This time its password protected…….but not encrypted.

The Chancellor, Alistair Darling, really hit the nail on the head with his comment that people are not at risk from ID fraud. Sure if badpeople™ only have your name, current address, date-of-birth, national insurance number and bank details you’re dandy.

Honest when the ID card database goes gold it will have complete security, not to mention; real-time completely accuracy, never suffering from orphan tables, bad merges, rogue queries, cost 50p including card readers etc., nothing like this could ever happen…its secured with BYO-METERIX the new voodoo, that we do so well…..


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Re: Majesty's Revenue & Customs has admitted to losing the details of 25 million indi

Good move wasn't it :) I feel so safe knowing it was only people with kids information they lost. Maybe that is a hint. To feel safe don't have any children :D.


Staff member
Re: Majesty's Revenue & Customs has admitted to losing the details of 25 million indi

Well, here we do have an ID card database. Most of the information listed above is already public. Although because of the database/Social Security no that doesn't really matter - only when you actually need a "proof of adress" etc, rather than a proper ID card to do official business this situation could be a problem. Although I don't know about the biometrics...

(one thing is certain, however; if our government ever got the terror scare proper, like some others I could mention, it would be bad. They have more or less all information they can have about people, including DNA samples of almost everyone born after 1975. Of course it's not legal to use it for anything other than medical research, but that's a law that would be easy to change)


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Majesty's Revenue & Customs has admitted to losing the details of 25 million indi

All I have to say is...



Re: Majesty's Revenue & Customs has admitted to losing the details of 25 million indi

HA! That's amusing... Especially the third item in that list :p

I'm guessing that either it's fake, or someone did steal the CD just to sell, which speaks large amounts about the species we have become...


Junior Administrator
Re: Majesty's Revenue & Customs has admitted to losing the details of 25 million indi

I guess, The government wont take too long getting most of those copies eradicated if its true and take up a nice inquest on the original host


Active Member
Re: Majesty's Revenue & Customs has admitted to losing the details of 25 million indi

They could do something to eradicate the torrents if they exist, but I doubt it would be easy for them to stop physical copies going around.


Junior Administrator
Re: Majesty's Revenue & Customs has admitted to losing the details of 25 million indi

Yup, hence most of them :p