Manhacks to follow...


Well-Known Member
Hehe, saw these a while back, being a robotics student :D

It's phenomenal the leaps and bounds we're making in technology - makes me wonder how long until the military does indeed create something like Manhacks...


In Cryo Sleep
Had seen the first link ages ago. The second one is quite cool

Dunno how well it works outside of a mocap suite though, and how much that actually contributes to it.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Hehe, saw these a while back, being a robotics student :D

It's phenomenal the leaps and bounds we're making in technology - makes me wonder how long until the military does indeed create something like Manhacks...

Yeah, I wonder if these would just scale up, and be able to carry girders and containers and stuff? Though wol's mocap comment probably has a bunch of truth to it


Junior Administrator
Had seen the first link ages ago. The second one is quite cool

Dunno how well it works outside of a mocap suite though, and how much that actually contributes to it.

Indeed, it's unclear in the second video if they are using the mocap, or just using the room. I would more expect that fine control to be done using IMU's as there has to be a few on the quad's anyway to enable all the self-hovering stuff