Mass Effect: Justice is Served


Junior Administrator
Well you may or may not know about the ignoramus that posted a blog entry on the webernet somewhere, calling Mass Effect a game that depicted "Full Frontal Nudiity" and allowed you to engage in "explicit sexual acts with females, with no regard for their worth as a person".

Some people took this and rolled with it BIG TIME... to the point where some dozy americal bird went on national American TV to discuss this "revolting game" that "treats women like objects."

After the show she was asked by someone if she had even played the game... her reply? She laughed and said "No."

Well she got what she deserved.

Yay for Gamer power!


I'd followed some of the hysteria that was being drummed up - Penny Arcade did a strip about one of the originators.

While it's good to see that people really can't just spout misinformed crap and have it taken as hard fact whenever they please, I'm not certain gutting the author's book rating was the way to go. I'd have preferred someone in a public, official position to have taken a stand.

Ah, well, that's just how it goes, at least she's apologised. That's probably over, as far as the serious stuff goes. Now I just need to get the rest of those achievements... :D



In my opinion, it made her realise how stupid she was, so I'm happy. The whole thing (mostly in America) has really frustrated me though, but I'm trying not to rant as much! :)


Staff member
I'm not certain gutting the author's book rating was the way to go. I'd have preferred someone in a public, official position to have taken a stand.
In fact, EA has asked for the comments to be retracted. This is more or less unheard of from a game publisher, and I hope it's a stand that more will take in the future.

And I think trashing her book is quite an acceptable response. Television is her domain, and if she wants to use her position of power to spread ignorance and lies about us and our pastime, that's up to her. The internet, though, is our domain. We have the power here. She'd be a fool to think that the same ignorance and hatred she displayed isn't going to be directed right back at her.

On top of that, I think many of the reviews were brilliantly done. "I've never read your book, but it is terrible and offensive, and needs to be kept out of the hands of our youth" etc. Gamers can never really agree on anything, so if cause them to stop arguing amongst themselves and unite against you, you know you fucked up good.