McCain or Obama ?

McCain or Obama ?

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In Cryo Sleep
This could be tight but I feel that America needs a change, and Im not too keen on that Palin woman so its going to have to be Obama!


What do you all think?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
On pure feel-good factor I'd have to say Obama, but I haven't taken a serious look at their policy differences to really make an informed choice.


Well-Known Member
Has to be Obama, McCain from what Ive seen looks like nothing but bad news.


Junior Administrator
I really feel another term of republican rule is just not a good thing.
McCain's biggest policy appears to be bad mouthing Obama where as Obama seems to be more about pushing for change. I find it hard to watch American political speeches as they are clearly so full of shit it is not even funny. McCain is trying to distances himself from Bush for obvious reasons however I feel he just seems to be much of a muchness and I think it'll more of the same from the US if he gets into power.
The dirt coming up on Palin in the last week would also suggest that either the republicans are going all out for the any publicity is good route or their vetting process sucked giant piles of ass.


New Member
Despite my 'staunch' Conservatism (note the big 'C' for the political party), I'm gonna say Obama. Besides, there really is very little difference between the two parties.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Hope is a powerful motivator. We hope things will change. We hope that Obama can make that change happen. We hope the US collectively makes that change happen by choosing something different. Obama feels different, to me. Shame our votes count for nada.


In Cryo Sleep
Have to say I have a really good feeling about Obama, so I'm gonna go with him, to me he seems to be "one of the good guys."


Well-Known Member
I say we archive this thread and look back in 4 years to see how wrong or right we were. :p


In Cryo Sleep
Sounds Like a plan Rony, Though it seems to me if it was up to us, it'd be a landslide victory for Obama, I wonder will the same apply to the real thing.


New Member
I think he meant to judge whether we were right to choose him as President based on how he performs...


Staff member
Even if we look back in four years, there's no way to tell if the guy who lost would've done any better :p


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Mostly, I have a vague feeling that most of the world probably overestimates the importance of the one guy we call POTUS on the specifics of their everyday lives.

If I were forced at gun point to put a cross down, I'd ask for a coin to flip. Otherwise, I'd leave it blank, or, most likely, not bother to show up.



Junior Administrator
McCain is looking to be about 4 points ahead and tbh looking at Palin's politics she is actually bizarely going to do scarely well. She is a woman which will gain her in an instance some of the Clinton vote who feel she only lost because she was a woman ( not because she is clearly bat shit crazy) she is a strict creationist and majorly anti abortion as well as believing that drilling in Alaska is a brilliant idea and global warming is in no way humans fault. To the point she refuses to believe we even contributed to the problem.

In the UK these would be reason for her being laughable as a candidate. In the US these are reason people will vote for her and the Republicans.

As much as I don't want another 4 years of the Republicans even a not so republican candidate like McCain I have a horrid feeling it may go that way.


New Member
You'd be surprised how little difference there is between the parties. As someone once said: 'The Republicans and Democrats are like two empty beer bottles: they have different labels, but they're still nothing but empty bottles' So whichever one gets in isn't going to be that differen tfrom the other. Looking at the history, Americans tend to vote Democrat in times of poor economic performance. Then again, never in history has a black man been in the running for President with such a good chance of winning.

so really, it could go either way. I'd ignore the opinion polls in america for now: the candidates have only just started their campaigns, and the polls will probably swing more times than a 3 year old in a playground.


I think everyone is on the Obama train coz he is young, ethnic and a Dem. Personally i think he is too inexperienced for the job. On the other hand I think McCain is too old and militaristic. And shouldnt the U.S be moving away from an 'Us v Them' mindset? Electing a P.O.W who comes from a long military background wont help.

I would of loved to of seen Clinton get the nomination. I thought she would of made an excellent President. She had the experience of being on the world stage and helped shape her husbands popular presidency (eh, excluding his 'indescretions'!).

Anywho, my 2 cents! I think whoever comes out on top will have a huge mountain to climb. Change their international standings, withdrawl from Iraq, the worstening US economy to name a few... :eek:


Staff member
I would of loved to of seen Clinton get the nomination. I thought she would of made an excellent President.
Seriously? She's been trying to ban video games forever now, we hardly want her in a position where she can make whatever rules she wants...


In Cryo Sleep
I really wanted Clinton to get the nomination as well, given that I think her stance on universal health care, worker's rights, and women's rights probably trump her concern about extreme video games. But I don't believe women actually vote with their vaginas (do you know how hard it is to pull a lever?) -- the whole cougar thing has been spun wildly out of proportion by the media. Fingers crossed they keep on finding out more nasty things about Palin and that she cocks things up for the Republicans good and proper.... And the two parties may have some things in common but there's enough of a difference between them to make it matter.