In times where I've not had any new games for a few weeks and nothing in the near future is really inspiring me I look back at games I've played and try to think of what I liked about them. Now, I don't complete many games... in fact, I think I've completed less than ten ever. But I do get to see a lot of game beginnings.
Doesn't matter how old or how particular to you (in fact, something that only you liked is well cool by me)... back through all the games you've seen and played, what were the very best beginnings?
I'd include any intro movies and probably anything that sits within the first 10 minutes of any game. I know there are all sorts of cool things that happen during a game, but keep yourself to the beginnings please.
Oh, and careful with spoilers just in case people haven't played it, but say both what game it was, what happened and why you liked it.
I'll start...
Max Payne
More than any other game I've ever played, Max Payne inspired me. In fact, from Max Payne I gained a fascination with the film noire style of presenting something at the very end right at the beginning. I just remember Max standing on top of the skyscraper, rifle in hand, wind and rain whistling around, looking like he'd just fought the whole damn world and perhaps, just perhaps, he'd pulled it off. The film noire style, especially as presented through the beginning of Max Payne, gives me a heroic feeling. A sort of understanding that I'll get here if I play hard enough, but here is not necessarily quite the end, and you don't know why or how... but you know it's important and you've got to fight to find out. Oh, and how I could I miss this... Max's voice over! I don't know who it was but the voice acting for Max was spot on, a guy pushed almost beyond caring but just, only just, hanging in there.
So... any more?
Doesn't matter how old or how particular to you (in fact, something that only you liked is well cool by me)... back through all the games you've seen and played, what were the very best beginnings?
I'd include any intro movies and probably anything that sits within the first 10 minutes of any game. I know there are all sorts of cool things that happen during a game, but keep yourself to the beginnings please.
I'll start...
Max Payne
More than any other game I've ever played, Max Payne inspired me. In fact, from Max Payne I gained a fascination with the film noire style of presenting something at the very end right at the beginning. I just remember Max standing on top of the skyscraper, rifle in hand, wind and rain whistling around, looking like he'd just fought the whole damn world and perhaps, just perhaps, he'd pulled it off. The film noire style, especially as presented through the beginning of Max Payne, gives me a heroic feeling. A sort of understanding that I'll get here if I play hard enough, but here is not necessarily quite the end, and you don't know why or how... but you know it's important and you've got to fight to find out. Oh, and how I could I miss this... Max's voice over! I don't know who it was but the voice acting for Max was spot on, a guy pushed almost beyond caring but just, only just, hanging in there.
So... any more?