Merry Christmas from MPUK!


Junior Administrator
I got this e-mail the other day ....

Trax's e-mail Inbox said:

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Just a PC was whirring, and the click of a mouse.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In the hope that a Wii, would soon be in there.

The children were nestled, all snug in their beds,
While visions of Peggle, danced in their heads.

Going online, though my eyes tired and sore,
Like a moth to a candle, I started CoD4.

When out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter
I span from my chair, just what was the matter?

Away to the window, I flew like a flash
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

'Tis but the wind, I assured myself
playing tricks with the chimes upon my bookshelf.

I started to leave, when what should appear
but Wizzo, a sleigh and six tiny reindeer!

But wait thought I, with closer inspection
those aren't reindeer, but cats with a caption!

"LOL, LOL, LOL" he roared, and called out their names
"Onwards my felines, of internet fame!"

"Now, Limecat! Now, Serious! Now Monorailcat too!
Fly to the rooftop, you know what to do!"

Dexterous and nimble, they leapt to the air
and went straight down the chimney, with precision and flair

One of the cats meowed, traversing the floor
"I is a trojan!", and unlocked my back door.

In stepped Wizzo, face all-a-glowing,
rosy red cheeks from the wind and the snowing

He let out a LOL that shook the foundations
And wobbled his stomach with hypnotic vibrations

With a huge rounded belly, thanks to hours of WoW
He demanded some beer, and demanded it now!

I ran to the kitchen, to see what was there
but alas not a drop - the cupboards were bare.

About to flee back, but getting no further
One of the cats purred "Can I has cheeseburger?"

"Never mind that" yelled Wizzo, "that cat is too fat,
he asks the same question, every house that we're at."

"I'm here for a reason, to deliver some news
a message of festivity, to wash away blues"

"We wish you a Merry Christmas, to all on this day
Good tidings and cheer from all at Multiplay!"

His message now given, he'd given his spiel
Went to the door, called his cats to his heel

"One more thing, I'm afraid I have to insist
*cough* buy a Clanserver, sorry - I couldn't resist!"