Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots


Well most people here know i realy enjoy the MGS series and in MGS4 is the best so far.
The gameplay and graphics are greatly improved, the new layout allows player to chose multiple paths to areas and how each area is done, its now posible to go all out Rambo style with guns blazing if you like :D.
The long cutscene may sound boring but ther great they explain alot and in mission briefings you can to little things at the same time to attain new items and camo's for mission.
Ive played over 7 hours today and just got to the end of the 2nd Act out of 5 in total.
The areas and scenery are different from the middle east to south america to east europe. So desert, Grassy/jungle areas, city, snow and bases.
Many cutscene mid mission jump stright into charecter as the it uses ingame graphics for the cutscenes.
Anyone whos played MGS3 will know theres a stamina gauge, (witch could get annoying) It has now been replaced with a psyche gauge with stress levels causing it to lower, reducing healing rate and combat efficiency.
Ther are some cool items including an ipod that can be equiped allowing you to listen to MGS tracks and a podcast that can be donwloaded when theres new ones, the podcast already on tells you some basics and mentions the gadgets, new tracks can be found in the game. The weapons are plentyful and customisable at a cost.
Like all MGS games ther is humor now and then, and i recommend this game to all the THNers with PS3's
The game comes with Metal Gear Online witch is very good with customisable charecters and voices. Lots of DLC to come! :D


Well-Known Member
... its now posible to go all out Rambo style with guns blazing if you like :D ...

Doesn't sound very stealthy?

Wish I could try it but for £100 cheaper the X-Box is still the better deal. Ahh well, I'm sure I'll get a whirl sometime.


Isit as good as PS Metal Gear Solid?

As in MGS1 yes it is alot of old faces appear, some new romance and some twisted sick one old and young Roy Cambell and *****) i'll say if you want to know.

Just as good story as ever, cool awsome boses. And alot of questions answered in this game.


I would have posted this last yesturday but i was a bit tired.

I completed MGS4 last night about 11 ish later if you include the last cutscenes and credits that dragged me over to about 12 :eek:
But i thought watching all of it was worth it, the epic battles and ending was awsome falt alot like a movie, alot of flashback and old faces, and alot of the questions wrapped up.
I was glued as if was a movie so i didnt mind the long ending but i cant descripe how good it was and a little confusing as some things in the game wher lies etc.
If any of you do plan on getting this i urge you on the first playthrough not to skip anything, thats codec calls, cutscenes. Dont miss one its part of Kojimas plan :D


Junior Administrator
Hold on a minute...

How long is this game??? You've had it not even 2 days and you have completed it already???


Hold on a minute...

How long is this game??? You've had it not even 2 days and you have completed it already???

Well i got mine a day early, and have played it pretty much non-stop, sad as it seems i was totaly hooked to the gameplay and story. I think my total game time was.... 20 hours, for people not used to it i recon add another 2-4 hours.

But youve got to remember this game is also a one that is intended to be replayed over and over to get all the secrets e.g weapons, camos, music etc...

Also the hardest challenge for anyone even vets or experts is to get the Big Boss emblem at the end as your rating... To get it you must complete the game in under 5 hours, with no alerts, no healing yourself, no continues or kills

Heres its reviews...