Junior Administrator said:
So, Microsoft has lost it's appeal against the Competition Laws in Europe and an £343m fine. I completly agree with the fact that in some cases Microsoft has a monopoly over other companies. However, they got that way by their own hard work, and because, to be quite fair, although buggy, they generally offer beter integration for the widespread market.
I don't feel that this rulling is correct in anyway I feel it is up to other major companies (apple?) to come back fighting and catch Microsoft, as they have started to do with recent improvement to OS 10 Server.
But what REALLY annoys me about this ruling is the comment about Windows Media Player. Apparently this is monopolising the media player market, and MS should offer a version of windows without WMP shipping as standard. Now I just don't buy this, for starters if this is true then surley apple should not be allowed to ship iTunes with OSX. But more to the point, I've used a variety of media players, but I've never yet found WMP to cause me not to use them, I see no reason why if someone wants to, they can't go and download another player it's not as though your actually paying for the WMP line as it's a free download jobby. Also, one of window's main target markets is the "I don't know about computers but want to be able to browse the net, check me email, and listen to music" demographic. I quite like the fact that I can recommend Windows OR OS X to someone and know that the default product suites will do all of this.
I guess what i'm getting at is, why would anyone want to pay for a version of windows without WMP, when you can get it, and if you don't like it uninstall it (And yes, I have just verified you can completly uninstall WMP if you so desire)