Midweek Raid - Tier 4 / World Bosses


Well-Known Member
Hey there all

It's been a good last two weekends of progress - we're now officially a Tier 5 guild, and we've got the shoulders to prove it!

However, that progress means that we've left places like Gruul's Lair untouched for a couple of weeks, and that means that good upgrades for some people aren't being taken advantage of.

So, we're proposing that we run Gruul, Magtheridon and the World Bosses on either Wednesday OR Thursday (not both!) and leave the weekend open for Tier 5 progression, Zul'Aman and Karazhan farming runs.

I've posted the events in the usual place - please read the event notes first, and sign up for whichever day or days you're available for. The decision as to whether the raid goes ahead or not will be down to the raid leader and officers, depending on how many signups we have, and how many people are online on time. We will either start on time or not at all, so please don't sign up if you're not going be around at the posted time.

TTFN WTFBBQPWN and all that jazz



you should always keep going back to them imo, gruul can be 20 manned (meaning 5 or so alts who need the gear) same with maggie, + Maggie gives those epic gems for not much work :)


Well-Known Member
We're aware of this and have been doing Maggy for the bag, gems and fast loot. And Gruul has been 5-manned now :P