Minor Technicality

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[mod]Moved from Tell the Admins! to FAO: Site Admins. Yeah, I know they look the same... need to sort that out really.[/mod]

Thanks Gopha. I'll leave this one with Haven.


Staff member
Sorry Gopha I'm being thick ... when you minimise your web-browser you cant see the links ? *looks confused*


In Cryo Sleep
Your links do get re-jiggled with respect to the picture when the window size is altered.

Is it because they're programed to always display in the centre of the window and the picture is always the same size?

Nice image btw, is that a real island with a lonely tree :(?

EDIT: Haha, you've fixed it within 2 seconds of me looking at it :p.


Staff member
I've not touched it ... *continues to look confused*

Which browser are you having this issue with ? The images stay static for me as they have a fixed width so are not coded to re-size on browser resize.

The tree image is a collage of three photos I have taken so its not a real photo by any stretch :)

Gah I see it now - its an error in the IE rendering of CSS again *sighs*


In Cryo Sleep
Okay, well then your website is spooky.

They were moving and now they're not! Knew I should've taken a screeshot :p.