Moah repgrinds


Well-Known Member
As some of you might know, I'm a bit of an achievement whore, and over the last month or so, I've had various achievements flashing up for Exalted reputations with strange factions.

Basically, my target for a while now has been to get the 40 Exalted Reputations achievement, with the title reward "the Exalted", pretty much the title I'd love the most of all the ones that I can actually get hold of (*looks at Scarab Lord and sighs*). I'm getting there, bit by bit, with 11 to go now.

Long story short, one of the ones I'm working on right now is Zul'gurub, with less than halfway to go till Exalted, and this thread is my request for ZG rep hand-ins that anyone might have lying around; the various coins and bijous. I know some people might have a few lying around randomly, and I know some people are packrats like me and hate throwing away stuff that has any uses at all. So if anyone has coins or bijous that they can part with, I'd greatly appreciate them. I could even pay a little for them, in the case of people who aren't 100% sure about if they want to part with them.

Long shot, but anything that helps me get it sorted faster would be great.

Thanks in advance to anyone who helps out!


I do have some ZG rep items in my bank but I am holding onto them because I am aiming (slowly) for the same achievement. I am 27/40 from today.

I will however be up for running ZG with you should you be up for farming the coins and bijious at any stage.

Edit: Ill prob just give you what I have, it will be a while before I get exalted and at least you could use them now. Ill be online later. Theres not much though!


Well-Known Member
If you're aiming for the rep as well, then don't worry, mate. I'm only going to try taking stuff off people that have it around and won't be using it at all.

Thanks for the offer, though!