Okay there is so much to say that I thought we needed a newsletter to say it in, so welcome to the first WoW newsletter for The Haven guild.
Guild Recruitment
Guild recruitment has gone a little crazy of late, at last count we had 26 level 60's and over 70 people in the guild. Given the growth that we are seeing its time to bring a little order to the chaos and make sure that we actually know who these people are.
One of the worries with this growth is that we are taking on board many people without first vetting them to ensure that share our outgoing friendly attitude. New members who refuse (or do not know) how to look up information for themselves or who constantly ask for money has started to rear its ugly head - these are not things that we want and so we need ways of dealing with it.
Firstly we (the officers) in the guild will start recording who requested and who authorised invites in the officers notes for new members. This gives us a point of reference should that person prove unsuitable for the guild.
Secondly, along the above lines the officer who invited a new member is responsible for removing that member from the guild should they prove unsuitable. This is purely an administrative rule to ensure that no single guild officer gets overwhelmed with management duties.
Finally, I am looking into establishing a web based guild reputation system - this would allow us to do the following:
* allocate reputation for role play events
* allocate reputation for running events (role play, instance or raids).
* allocate a percentage of your reputation each month to others whom you perceive to have a good attitude and have been helpful towards yourselves or others.
The below reputation systems would be available to officer and above ranks:
* remove reputation for abusive behaviour
* allow guild removal if reputation drops by more than a set ammount in a month
These reputation points may eventually become the basis of in-game ranks. Current members would start with a reputation equal to the minimum needed for their current rank. For a guide to ranks just imagine how in-game reputation works (friendly, honoured and reviered etc) except applied to The Haven guild. I will need a little coding help to implement the above but I'm sure it can be done eventually.
Leading directly on from the above web based reputation system we will soon be getting our own wow web subdomain i.e. wow.thehavennet.org.uk. Whilst we will continue to use the games subdomain as the basis for our forum (it will be linked to from wow) having our own subdomain will allow us to do several useful things:
* Organise raids with phpraid (see ashen order site for how this works).
* Maintain a list of DKP points for members for raids.
* Maintain a web listing of all guild bank items (see below for more details)
* Maintain a list of useful links for WoW
If anyone is feeling creative then contact me as I could probably do with some templatign help once the applications above are installed.
Guild Bank
Unfortunately our old guild bank went A.W.O.L and now that we are starting to raid we have created a new guild bank. RagingBone has created an alt and he will be guild bank master. We will establish a web based points system whereby when you contribute items to the bank you get points and when you remove items you lose points. We have yet to establish a list of items that we will and will not store so do not start sending stuff just yet ... hopefully we can get this sorted soon. In the meantime RagingBone is taking donations for bag slots so contact him if you can contribute 10 gold to getting this set up.
Thanks for doing this Mr Bonage
A few of us have been heavily involved in Ashen Order raids for a few weeks. Now raiding with other guilds is more fun than not raiding at all, but its time we started organising and running our own raids. Given this premise I am looking for 3 people to step forwards (not including myself) to help run these raids. Umbrator, Zeutan and RagingBone would be my first three candidates although Taresti and Furigar would also be a welcome addition. If anyone else feels they have the maturity and organisation skills to organise raids (and get lots of lovely guild rep for doing so) then drop me a message or post up in this forum.
I will start of proceedings by organising the wow subdomain this week, I will then organise a raid on AQ20 (possibly for next weekend). Other instances we should consider initially are Zul Gurub. If we grind these two instances up until christmas then we should be ready for Molten Core early in the new year. Get posting up if you can help organise the above, all help very very welcome.
Guild Help Night
Raids are fun but they are not the be all and end all of World of Warcraft. I propose we all dedicate one night a week to helping any and all guildies complete quests that they are unable to do on their own. I would like to set this night to be Tuesday. Anyone needing help will need to post up what they need and where they need it i.e. organise an event. Help will be provided on a first come first served basis so get your requirements posted up quickly. Guild rep will be given out to those who turn up and help, failure to turn up if you organise an event without a good reason and plenty of notice will result in negative rep so please let people know if an event is altered/cancelled.
Role Play events
Now I know that we are not known for roleplay, but I also know that many of our members do enjoy a litle RP once in a while and I would like to give them the opportunity to organise a few RP events once in a while. As a little incentive for running these events I will organise a system for giving out prizes from the guild bank (or points) for running and participating in said events. So if there is something that you would like to do then get your thoughts toegether and make it happen.
The above will be a lot of work and we all have real lives and jobs to handle at the same time. Given this I will be adding a couple of new guild officers during this week and setting up structures so that the guild will be able to function when some of us are busy in real life. The more you all help and put into running the guild the more successful and fun we will be - remember that any assistance and suggestions will be considered no matter how silly you think they are. So please contribute all you can and lets make sure that every hour we put into the game is fun and that we all get a lot out of WoW.
Guild Recruitment
Guild recruitment has gone a little crazy of late, at last count we had 26 level 60's and over 70 people in the guild. Given the growth that we are seeing its time to bring a little order to the chaos and make sure that we actually know who these people are.
One of the worries with this growth is that we are taking on board many people without first vetting them to ensure that share our outgoing friendly attitude. New members who refuse (or do not know) how to look up information for themselves or who constantly ask for money has started to rear its ugly head - these are not things that we want and so we need ways of dealing with it.
Firstly we (the officers) in the guild will start recording who requested and who authorised invites in the officers notes for new members. This gives us a point of reference should that person prove unsuitable for the guild.
Secondly, along the above lines the officer who invited a new member is responsible for removing that member from the guild should they prove unsuitable. This is purely an administrative rule to ensure that no single guild officer gets overwhelmed with management duties.
Finally, I am looking into establishing a web based guild reputation system - this would allow us to do the following:
* allocate reputation for role play events
* allocate reputation for running events (role play, instance or raids).
* allocate a percentage of your reputation each month to others whom you perceive to have a good attitude and have been helpful towards yourselves or others.
The below reputation systems would be available to officer and above ranks:
* remove reputation for abusive behaviour
* allow guild removal if reputation drops by more than a set ammount in a month
These reputation points may eventually become the basis of in-game ranks. Current members would start with a reputation equal to the minimum needed for their current rank. For a guide to ranks just imagine how in-game reputation works (friendly, honoured and reviered etc) except applied to The Haven guild. I will need a little coding help to implement the above but I'm sure it can be done eventually.
Leading directly on from the above web based reputation system we will soon be getting our own wow web subdomain i.e. wow.thehavennet.org.uk. Whilst we will continue to use the games subdomain as the basis for our forum (it will be linked to from wow) having our own subdomain will allow us to do several useful things:
* Organise raids with phpraid (see ashen order site for how this works).
* Maintain a list of DKP points for members for raids.
* Maintain a web listing of all guild bank items (see below for more details)
* Maintain a list of useful links for WoW
If anyone is feeling creative then contact me as I could probably do with some templatign help once the applications above are installed.
Guild Bank
Unfortunately our old guild bank went A.W.O.L and now that we are starting to raid we have created a new guild bank. RagingBone has created an alt and he will be guild bank master. We will establish a web based points system whereby when you contribute items to the bank you get points and when you remove items you lose points. We have yet to establish a list of items that we will and will not store so do not start sending stuff just yet ... hopefully we can get this sorted soon. In the meantime RagingBone is taking donations for bag slots so contact him if you can contribute 10 gold to getting this set up.
Thanks for doing this Mr Bonage
A few of us have been heavily involved in Ashen Order raids for a few weeks. Now raiding with other guilds is more fun than not raiding at all, but its time we started organising and running our own raids. Given this premise I am looking for 3 people to step forwards (not including myself) to help run these raids. Umbrator, Zeutan and RagingBone would be my first three candidates although Taresti and Furigar would also be a welcome addition. If anyone else feels they have the maturity and organisation skills to organise raids (and get lots of lovely guild rep for doing so) then drop me a message or post up in this forum.
I will start of proceedings by organising the wow subdomain this week, I will then organise a raid on AQ20 (possibly for next weekend). Other instances we should consider initially are Zul Gurub. If we grind these two instances up until christmas then we should be ready for Molten Core early in the new year. Get posting up if you can help organise the above, all help very very welcome.
Guild Help Night
Raids are fun but they are not the be all and end all of World of Warcraft. I propose we all dedicate one night a week to helping any and all guildies complete quests that they are unable to do on their own. I would like to set this night to be Tuesday. Anyone needing help will need to post up what they need and where they need it i.e. organise an event. Help will be provided on a first come first served basis so get your requirements posted up quickly. Guild rep will be given out to those who turn up and help, failure to turn up if you organise an event without a good reason and plenty of notice will result in negative rep so please let people know if an event is altered/cancelled.
Role Play events
Now I know that we are not known for roleplay, but I also know that many of our members do enjoy a litle RP once in a while and I would like to give them the opportunity to organise a few RP events once in a while. As a little incentive for running these events I will organise a system for giving out prizes from the guild bank (or points) for running and participating in said events. So if there is something that you would like to do then get your thoughts toegether and make it happen.
The above will be a lot of work and we all have real lives and jobs to handle at the same time. Given this I will be adding a couple of new guild officers during this week and setting up structures so that the guild will be able to function when some of us are busy in real life. The more you all help and put into running the guild the more successful and fun we will be - remember that any assistance and suggestions will be considered no matter how silly you think they are. So please contribute all you can and lets make sure that every hour we put into the game is fun and that we all get a lot out of WoW.