Montage Tiem!


In Cryo Sleep
OK well after i decided it would be clever to system restore my laptop and lose a bunch of my MW2 clips then proceed to lose my MW2 disc at home, i have been engaging in rage-enducing game after rage-enducing game to make a Montage for Black Ops. Its sniper based but has a few non sniper clips thrown in because i liked them too much to wait for a separate montage :P

Anyway any feedback is welcomed and if youve any ideas for what i should do in the future (All Tomahawk/ Shotgun/ Pistol/ Melee etc) let me know and i shall try my best :D

Click Me...Click me for Glorrrryyyyy


Junior Administrator
That doesn't tell me what your average K: D ratio is, which is far more interesting than kills :p


In Cryo Sleep
You dont want to know, ive essentially kamikazed my KD for sniper gameplay, Black Ops quickscoping and sniping in general is much harder :( Though going to try and drag it up by whoring out the GALIL and Claymores.


In Cryo Sleep
For a first time, this was pretty damn sweet, I completely understand on the sniping in Black Ops front though, it's damn difficult, but you pulled off some sweet clips nonetheless, nice job! Also, this was on 360, ama right? If so, and you wanna play together some time, private message me or add me on XBL (gamertag f1 predator). Cheers!


New Member
Loving it Chuchu, When I make my new gamertag ill let you know although I love variable zoom and insane 360's :L while still being able to hold down a 1.18 k/d in 3rd prestiege :D


Junior Administrator
Staff member
that last kill was damn fluky :D

Is it me but it seems to be you scope diagonally and it seems to hit even if you are scoped past... or is that just good reactions :D


In Cryo Sleep
I think you're referring to dragscoping and yeh in Black Ops it seems to be more reliable. Essentially you start from either left or right of your target then start scoping in and dragging your cross-hairs across them. You time it so when your fully scoped in your essentially on target and uses the aim assist function to help it (since your cross hairs move slower when pointed on a target than not.)

Im starting a Tomahawk minitage for teh lolz, focusing more on placed shots rather than throwing up in the air and pray for the gods of gaimz to smile upon you :P Got a tense one in the chamber going 8-0 as well i want to upload, but thinking about editing it so its like the old school Goldeneye e.g. Goldeneye HUD, noises and intro. But just gotten over a nasty flu so my effort is waining atm


In Cryo Sleep
Dont hate the player :D Itd be interesting if they made a No Aim-Assist playlist although i reckon ill be picking up Scavenger and putting on my spray and pray panties :P