More WOTLK Beta... (now partially hijacked for Umb's pics)


Well-Known Member
Huzzah! Just as I feel like giving up on WoW, look what I get in my inbox:

Wrath of the Lich King™ beta test

You have been selected to participate in the beta test of World of Warcraft®: Wrath of the Lich King™. Welcome!

YAY! As Eljoel has promised, I shall also keep you all up to date on all the happenings in the beta, feel free to ask about anything :)

And Lith, if I could pass it on to you mate, I would ;)


Junior Administrator
Re: More WOTLK Beta...

Huzzah! Just as I feel like giving up on WoW, look what I get in my inbox:

YAY! As Eljoel has promised, I shall also keep you all up to date on all the happenings in the beta, feel free to ask about anything :)

And Lith, if I could pass it on to you mate, I would ;)



Active Member
Re: More WOTLK Beta...

Please be prepared to enter the current retail World of Warcraft account name and password you use, and the appropriate beta code listed below to authenticate your eligibility to connect to the Wrath of the Lich King test realms. To participate in the beta tests, you must have a valid retail World of Warcraft account active and in good standing as of July 15, 2008.

:eek: Oh wells, i could be playing wrath :(


Well-Known Member
Re: More WOTLK Beta...

You don't need to pass it to me, I'm already in the beta, and loving it!

Eljoel is GOD!


Well-Known Member
Re: More WOTLK Beta...


How did that happen?

And why didnt you make a bigger fuss about it? :p


Well-Known Member
Re: More WOTLK Beta...

Why didn't I make a bigger fuss? Because I was busy playing beta, fool! :P

Seriously, though; so far I have Lithaella and Arithidrimme on there. Lithy was able to keep her name, but I had to change Ari to "Arithidrinne". I also have a 58-ish Death Knight called Lithael.

Been using Lithael to test Death Knight out and I'm VERY impressed with the first three levels (ie the DK quest chain at the start), and I'm having a bit of fun in Outland at the moment. I'll work more on them later, right now there's too much lag in Hellfire from all the other Death Knights there.

Lithaella is currently parked in the Warsong Hold in the Borean Tundra, I likely won't play her much (if at all) until the next patch; there's a graphical glitch for many people where the textures of the Hold are missing, so all I see is blackness, plus the NPCs and a few random doodads and the like. When I can actually see the damned place, I'll explore the Tundra and take screenies.

Arithidrimme is the one I've been playing the most, working my way through the Howling Fjord, the other "starting" zone in Northrend. Must say, it's an incredibly well-done place, and so far I've had only one or two minor irritations, usually related to respawn times when there were loads of people doing the quest at the same time as me. I've been Ret'ing my way through, and I'm not sure whether to say that it feels justifiably more powerful, or a little overpowered... time will tell. Until then, WHEEEE, 6k Seal of Command Judgement crits!

I also tanked Utgarde Keep, the first dungeon, this morning, along with a bunch of random people in Tier 5/6 gear, and had a great time. It's one of the best-designed instances I've ever seen, and I'm sure the other paladin tanks in the guild would be interested to know that the talent changes are wonderful; we have a new multi-target move called Hammer of the Righteous, does a fair bit of damage and a pile of threat. A Tier 6 mage and Sunwell Rogue couldn't pull off me, I was generating THAT much threat. And we don't even have Blessing of Salvation anymore, so you can imagine how well it works. Doesn't feel too easy or overpowered, though. Feels just right.

Anyhoo, screenshots will be forthcoming once I remember to take more. Thus far all I have are Lithy as a Death Knight, and one or two random ones of parts of the Fjord.


Active Member
Re: More WOTLK Beta...

Hell, sounds like I'll have to get WotLK too >.< Seriously though, I don't like the new idea of priest healers. Well, I'll go cry in the corner, I suppose, this is not the place to ask for rework.


Well-Known Member
Re: More WOTLK Beta...

The next character I copy across will be Syri, to test all three specs. I'll likely let Baldi at the Shadow spec for a bit to get a better opinion, and I'll test Disc/Holy specs out for healing myself; healers and tanks are often needed for Utgarde Keep, and a specced and geared one will go down a treat.

Found that Retridins are hopelessly broken at the moment. I won't go into how they've changed the Seal/Judgement system, you can find that out for yourselves, but I will say that it appears to be scaling incorrectly, to the point where at level 70, versus same-level or level 71 mobs, with the gear I'm currently wearing on the live realms, and with no buffs save my own, I was getting 6k+ Seal of Command Judgements on stunned targets; quite sickening, no?

(small edit: I've been reading up on this, and it might actually intentional... scary)

Howling Fjord continues to be immensely entertaining; I have to say that the few direct "kill this many of mob X" or "get this many drops of item Y" quests aren't stupid numbers, and thus are more than manageable, plus generally are against mobs with entirely new models and looks, so they're not same-old-same old. And there's a huge number of quests where you do something entirely new, or it's one of the old quest-types dressed up in something new to make it awesome. They're taking massive steps in the right direction and I love it.

Anyhoo, some screenies, as promised.

First up; Lithy as a Death Knight!


Secondly; Haven's secret nelf girl alt has apparently snuck into the beta...


This guy claims to be an elder to explain that bearding, but blatantly he's just the result of a dwarf buggering a walrus


Finally, one of the new mob models; hungry wolf is hungry. One type of these don't run at you when they aggro, they do a massive pounce, took my somewhat by surprise...



Well-Known Member >.<

Then level Itchi like a bitch so I can get the most out of him in the beta, then we'll have a shaman and druid perspective on the new stuff :D


Well-Known Member
I warn you, leveling in Northrend is slow as hell at the moment; I've only just gotten Arithidrimme to 71 today. And I can tear through 2-man and 3-man group quests on my own.


Well-Known Member
If it's anything like with Vanilla WoW > TBC, then many quests from TBC won't give XP for Wrath, and if you stack up 25 completed quests to hand in on release day, it won't work. Can't remember exactly what they did, but that was the gist of it, and it was largely effective, although on some realms, people found that if they did the repeatable bone fragments Argent Dawn hand-in over and over, they would still get experience past 60, so some stocked up several bank-loads to hand in on release day and go to or near 70 VERY fast.


Well-Known Member
Another pic, thought Zooggy in particular might like this one:


A quest to go and "cleanse yourself of your inner turmoil"... in other words, go find your Zen. In this case you end up fighting your inner turmoil and finish with you spirit uplifted...


Junior Administrator


and... is that 2261k the amount of XP required for getting from 70-71???


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

A quest to go and "cleanse yourself of your inner turmoil"... in other words, go find your Zen. In this case you end up fighting your inner turmoil and finish with you spirit uplifted...

Gawd. Brilliant! :)



Well-Known Member
Yeah, it takes for freaking ever to level up. I heard that they change the amounts needed or something every major update. Thus far I've mostly only played Ari since I got the beta three days ago; I tried a tiny bit of Lithy, I did the first three levels of Death Knight, but otherwise I've just been doing Howling Fjord with Ari, taking a short break to tank Utgarde Keep (which IS in the Fjord, technically).

I've almost finished questing there, with only two quests (which may chain) left to do, unless more opened up at 71 back at New Agamand and Vengeance Landing (thw two main Forsaken places in Howling Fjord), and I only dinged 71 yesterday evening. Still got a loooong way to go. I'll try find more info on the levelling curve.


Active Member
Seeing that picture of that Longtusk I just wanna know one thing... Is there a quest to look for a bucket?