Mount & Blade?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, all, :)

Few days ago, I was logged in to the TS server for WoW purposes, as is my usual, when lo and behold, I noticed a room dedicated to the awesome impressiveness that is Mount & Blade.

Thought I to myself, cool, there are THNers who play M&B, must get on the forums to check that out, but, alas, said TS rooms seem to be all but gone.

So, my question, was it an experiment? Is it a regular thing?

*Do* any of you guys play M&B?

Just a general checkage. :)



Junior Administrator
Chances are that it was a temporary channel.

You can make any number of channels yourself, but to make it a permanent channel you need to get a server admin to make it permanent.

Now i have never heard of Mount&Blade, so for the unenlightened, please enlighten us :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Mount&Blade is written by a Turkish couple as independent developers. It's a single player game, which is why it doesn't feature highly on this board's priorities, but it is a very good medieval combat game. It has the best mounted combat I've played; horses have momentum, maneuver like horses, and timing is important.

They have a free trial that allows you to play up to level 6 without paying but then requires a small fee to unlock the game to continue after then. The license is perpetual after that and will apply to the released version too, as I understand it. The game is currently in beta and has been for a number of years.

I started playing probably back in late 2005, earlier in the beta. I still do play it occasionally, when the mood strikes me.

There are some excellent mods for the game, including The Last Days, which is a Lord of the Rings conversion. However, many of the mods require older version of the game because the mod tools develop quite radically between iterations; The Last Days is no exception but still well worth checking out if you can get hold of an earlier release.

I recommend checking it out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I made it so me and my friend could play it and talk about it.

It's a really good game and I sincerely reccommend trying the free trial (which goes to level 8 IIRC). I've bought it I enjoyed it so much. I'm looking forward to v1.0 to see what they have added for the gold version. It's v0.903 at the moment.

Yeah, so get the trial!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahoy, :)

Chances are that it was a temporary channel.

You can make any number of channels yourself, but to make it a permanent channel you need to get a server admin to make it permanent.

Aaah. That 'splains it. :) Okies, got it.

As for enlightenment on the game itself, others have been forthcoming, and yea, I quite like it. :)



Anyone thought about getting the online expansion / thing of this? Personally think it would be pretty cool. I might have to get it when i get paid. (and if i can sneak £25 from the eyes of my parents. >_>)


Well-Known Member
I hear it's not finished and not worth the £25. I'll wait 'til it goes down.


I hear it's not finished and not worth the £25. I'll wait 'til it goes down.

Really? Fair enough.

I just hope they impliment Online country domination or whatever. Would be rather fun going against a freind for world domination!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

Hmmmmmmethinks I'll give it a pass. I already have too much online gaming on my hands. :D
