Movie Night

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Well-Known Member
After watching Pubic_Warriors movie and being really impressed, I thought it was lacking something. The battles weren't juicy enough. I think the biggest battle was a 3v1 and even then it seemed a little juiceless. So, what i'm proposing is one night, we get as many as possible to go on the THN server, find a wide open space, like the hills on Dragon Valley, divide the teams equally, and let a battle ensue. Like a real World War 1 style shootout. One team comes out of the trenches and runs across no mans land sort of thing.

Hell, we could even make a commitee out of this? :p


I can't attend, but I've slapped this up on the calender, taking 7pm as the deffo

(any changes PM me and I'll edit the calender post)



In Cryo Sleep
Yeah, count me in :D

Btw how did you get the slow motion to work on your video? A couple of months back i tried battle recorder out and i could get a movie working but not the effects such as slow motion. :S

Anyway il definatly be there tommorow!



In Cryo Sleep
O yeah what are we gonna do in this movie? Are we just going to play a match or are we going to do some storyline or specific scene?



In Cryo Sleep
i have a good idea about this film thingy, my director senses are tingeling lol
okie pokie there are 2 teams (duh), a large open-ish field, each team has a side, they are shooting at each other but not aiming as we need lots of people, then 1 side pop smoke in the middle of the field and charge! a few men can die on the charge and then spawn on the SL but make sure we dont get that in the film or it wud look lame lol. when the team that have charged get to the other side, knives and pistols come out for a bloody fight to the end (altho BF2 has no blood :( ) then the team that charged over run the defending team and move on to do something

what do you think, can we make this happen?

and we are deffo gona need some more people

we also need ideas for the music as band of brothers has been taken lol


Well-Known Member
Gibsonfire said:
O yeah what are we gonna do in this movie? Are we just going to play a match or are we going to do some storyline or specific scene?

I was thinking a specific scene, not very choreographed, but needs a bit of organisation. I was thinking, an open field, atop of Dragon Valley hills, each team on each side has to run into the battlefield and kill their enemies. We need to take several videos of these battles to give PB enough material to work with.

I was thinking we could turn this into a whole movie of dragon valley, I could show you on ATC what I want tonight.



In Cryo Sleep
Nanor said:
I was thinking a specific scene, not very choreographed, but needs a bit of organisation. I was thinking, an open field, atop of Dragon Valley hills, each team on each side has to run into the battlefield and kill their enemies. We need to take several videos of these battles to give PB enough material to work with.

I was thinking we could turn this into a whole movie of dragon valley, I could show you on ATC what I want tonight.


Yeah il be on tonight, il talk to you on teamspeak



Make sure you tell dear KC what you want done and when with plenty of notice (especially considering new years)


New Member
Yeah cool i should be available. What time for ATC? Because I might not be able to make it, what with New Years n all...
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