Title: I'm Buildin' Sentries
Author: Faewhyn "SwampFae" Caelthyr
Parody of: Queen - I Want To Break Free
Notes: Thought it about time that our support class got a little recognition. The Engineer has teleported us, supplied us with health, ammunition and scrap metal. And has always placed that Sentry to prevent the opponents from getting past.
I'm buildin' Sentries
I'm buildin' Sentries
I'm buildin' Sentries with my big wrench
I'm so darn satisfied when they shoot you
I'm buildin' Sentries
Spy knows
Spy knows I love my Sentry
I'm guardin' the point
I'm guardin' the point for the fifth time
and this time Dispenser is up
I'm guardin' the point
Scout knows
Scout knows I'm guardin' the point
It's pointed right at you
You can't cap it when I'm buildin' like i do
And the Pyro is sure when you come back for more
Oh how I want to build more (here'n' there)
Oh how I want to build more
Oh how I want to build more
Oh fellas, come on
I can't cap this point without, point without, point without you by my side
But I can teleport you
Demo knows
I'm buildin' Telporters all alone
So Heavy can't you see
I'm buildin' Sentries
I'm buildin' Sentries
I love my Sentry
I love, I love, I love, I love my Sentry
Title: I'm Buildin' Sentries
Author: Faewhyn "SwampFae" Caelthyr
Parody of: Queen - I Want To Break Free
Notes: Thought it about time that our support class got a little recognition. The Engineer has teleported us, supplied us with health, ammunition and scrap metal. And has always placed that Sentry to prevent the opponents from getting past.
I'm buildin' Sentries
I'm buildin' Sentries
I'm buildin' Sentries with my big wrench
I'm so darn satisfied when they shoot you
I'm buildin' Sentries
Spy knows
Spy knows I love my Sentry
I'm guardin' the point
I'm guardin' the point for the fifth time
and this time Dispenser is up
I'm guardin' the point
Scout knows
Scout knows I'm guardin' the point
It's pointed right at you
You can't cap it when I'm buildin' like i do
And the Pyro is sure when you come back for more
Oh how I want to build more (here'n' there)
Oh how I want to build more
Oh how I want to build more
Oh fellas, come on
I can't cap this point without, point without, point without you by my side
But I can teleport you
Demo knows
I'm buildin' Telporters all alone
So Heavy can't you see
I'm buildin' Sentries
I'm buildin' Sentries
I love my Sentry
I love, I love, I love, I love my Sentry