My Apologies

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Sorry guys; I signed up to tonights raid, and didn't turn up. Fecking Sky.

My mum notifies them yesterday that we're moving to Virgin TOMORROW.

So they cut us off yesterday. What makes me laugh is how they're that quick to cut us off, but when it comes to actually helping us... -_-"


I'm currently feeding off my neighbours wireless, and only just connected to it, so I'm probably not going to be able to log onto WoW.

Sorry again, and good luck. ^_^


Staff member
Oddly enough, I've heard a few people say that they've had issues getting sky to actually cancel their access :p

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Hang on, you mean people are complaining because they won't turn their internet OFF?


Although I suppose with Sky... xD

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Well, I got my new internet today. Thoroughly impressed so far;

He arrived at 9; the time we were given was- Between 8AM and 6PM. He left at 10? And that's setting up everything.

Didn't take much effort for me to set up the rest; sat down and watched some Virgin On Demand ;) is telling me that I am ACTUALLY doing the 50MBPS. I like it.

Raiding tonight should be fun ;)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Gratzorz! No more Draetec has gone offline. and [Draetec] has come online. spam! :D
