My daughter's first year in under 4 mins!


Hey All,

Inspried by the vid in this thread, I thought I would make my own (although not as professional looking!)

It's a video montage of pictures/movies I have made during my Daughter's first year (it's her 1st birthday soon). I have taken them from various sources hence the difference in quality in some of the pictures.

Let me know what you think - good and bad!



Active Member
EMI owns your daughter?

Nice video, reminds me to take more photos of my 6m niece. Need to buy my sister a video camera or something too :( She hasn't got one, other than phone.


In Cryo Sleep
I'm glad I'm from a generation who doesn't have their baby photos uploaded to youtube :D that would freak me out when i was older :|

Have to agree with haven - lovely song choice and really nicely done! :)


In Cryo Sleep
Nawwwwww Glen! that is so cute and awesome and lovely! brought a little tear to my eye :D