My Hunter PVP Video


In Cryo Sleep
I was bored yesterday night, so i thought i would try and make a video of me in some battlegrounds and record it, even though i was lagging all over with fraps as my computer sucks.

I don't even think i have my PVP gear on and my pet is only level 75 lol.

Anyways here it is.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what the best hunter keybinds are :/ lol

Totally personal choice mate. If it feels right to you then its the best keybind for you. Bind stuff you use often to things like Q,E,2,3,4,R,F,B,V etc (all the ones in easy reach of your fingers); bind the lesser used but still important things to shift or ctrl of these keys.

All it takes is a few hours with these keybindings and you'll soon find it comes as second nature. Plus, any keybindings are better than clicking :p


Well-Known Member
I'm still going to claim you could all be even better than you are if you didn't click however :p