My keyboard..


Well-Known Member
It's being a bit odd. When I play BF2 I move forwards by holding down W, but when I press shift to begin sprinting, it stops and I have to repress them and it stops again which makes me stop and be a sitting duck. Is this some sort of anti-cat thing?

Rep for help!


Junior Administrator
Have you been playing around with controls, also does double tapping w make you sprint or have you some how broken your ability to sprint in game.

using double w is an ass in game but if its the only way you can do it then its better than nothing


Well-Known Member
It happens in anything, if I open notepad and hold down W so it spams W and then press shift it stops spamming. But I'm so used to shift to sprint that it's hard to break the habit.


...if I open notepad and hold down W so it spams W and then press shift it stops spamming...

That there is normal behaviour for Windows. So it sounds like a problem with your BF2 set up, or possible Windows grabbing the keyboard input for some other process instead of BF2 (like sticky keys, so check that's not on). I'll look into a bit more tomorrow, but that's all I can think of now I'm afraid :(


Junior Administrator
It's your keyboard. Cheap models typically have a limit on the number of keys that can be pressed at once, and also some have some weird vendetta on some key combinations. Try playing Frets on Fire and doing two F keys and also Enter at the same time - does it still work? It didn't on my last keyboard - the solution? Try a new keyboard, and see if it still happens.


In Cryo Sleep
Has this always happened since you replaced your keyboard, or is this the first time you've tried BF2 since? On my old keyboard, I wasn't able to scope, lean, hold breath and move in CoD2 at the same time (a+q+shift) because of some key input blocking thing. Replacing my keyboard remedied that. Maybe you've got the same problem, but in reverse? Also, make sure your keyboard drivers are installed. If those don't work then BF2 is probably messing things up, like shift allocated to more than one command etc.

Also, when you press all those keys together (w, sprint and such) does you computer make an internal beep?


Forgot to say, that I know that the notepad thing is how it is suppose to work, as it's the same for me, but BF2 works fine using shift to sprint (I prefer it too).


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I did get a new keyboard.. Good job I still have my old one..

Thanks guys, rep for Dez and Tet. Boo, already given rep to Tet. :(