My new Niece!!!


Junior Administrator
WOOOOOOOO YEA! I'm an uncle for the 2nd time now :D My avatar is a pic of my 2nd Niece Megan 2 days after she was born :)


Staff member
yay for cabbage patch dolls (its ok they dont look like that for long) ... erm I mean congratulations :)

Congrats to the parents too!


Junior Administrator
Recieved some not so good news about my niece last night, however... apparently there is a blockage in one of the tubes coming in/out of her stomach and she is unable to eat properly, so she has been admitted to hospital to have an operation to sort this out!


In Cryo Sleep
Oooh nice, congratulations. How many MHz does she run at?

EDIT: Oh bleh, i didn't read the thread all the way. Sorry to hear, hope she'll be fine!


Junior Administrator
BLARG! She has had her operation and she is recovering very well! She was out of intensive care only 12 hours or so after her operation, and is now laying on a bed in the hospital recovering very well. What had happened is that inside her, her intestines had become twisted and were blocking themselves... this is apparently a common problem with newborns and it was an easy problem to fix! So all is well...