In Cryo Sleep
Hey all,
A few days ago i posted in the officer section of the forum with my resignation as an officer.
No point discussing the reasons, they are many and varied.
Just wanted to let you all know that although i wont be able to do the things like invite your alts or get stuff out of the bank ill still give all the advice and support to everyone who whispered me before.
In other words ill be doing the same thing but without the chore of meetings, /officer chat and all that jazz.
In the BC when i left the guild for a while on one of my characters everyone still asked me things and talked to me like i was an officer in the guild, and they kept talking about the same things they would if i was an officer. I expect this to be no different and i welcome it if anything.
In short, nothings going to change with me, i just dont want to be an officer anymore.
When you see me ask for all of my characters to be demoted anyways thats what it is, so dont be supprised! It will happen in the next 2-3 days sometime.
See you in game
A few days ago i posted in the officer section of the forum with my resignation as an officer.
No point discussing the reasons, they are many and varied.
Just wanted to let you all know that although i wont be able to do the things like invite your alts or get stuff out of the bank ill still give all the advice and support to everyone who whispered me before.
In other words ill be doing the same thing but without the chore of meetings, /officer chat and all that jazz.
In the BC when i left the guild for a while on one of my characters everyone still asked me things and talked to me like i was an officer in the guild, and they kept talking about the same things they would if i was an officer. I expect this to be no different and i welcome it if anything.
In short, nothings going to change with me, i just dont want to be an officer anymore.
When you see me ask for all of my characters to be demoted anyways thats what it is, so dont be supprised! It will happen in the next 2-3 days sometime.
See you in game