

In Cryo Sleep
Dangerous game!

It's a 2-D game, but great fun!

You play a funky little character trying to get through each level with time to spare. A group of us played it in my final year at Uni (including MadGinga, but he sucked :p), and it can get very competitive :).

Download. (From the developer's site Metanet)

Browser imbedded version.

The browser imbedded version lacks the kudos reward of a new colour each time you finish 10 episodes, and thats what it's all about!

So far I'm on episode 27 :).

Pink Ninja ftw!


Junior Administrator
I have that already. OLD NEWS! hehe

I suck at it though. Majorly.

elD has done about half of em... whereas i haven't even done like 2 episodes :D


In Cryo Sleep
Haha, yeah we played it over a year ago so it's fairly old.

I came across it while cleaning My Docs, and thought I may aswell post it up just in case :).


Heh, LOVE THIS GAME! Dodging rockets, missing the gauss blasts, goddamnit it's fun :)

Played it with a mate at my last summer job (a web dev team in london). As tb said, I've done about episodes 1-30, and then some random higher number ones (such as 80-84, 90-92). Love it. Will see exactly how many I have when I get back to my PC!