Natural Selection - The Return of [FX]

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In Cryo Sleep
Well as many of you know myself and some of the other players from [THN] used to play a lot on the [FX] server when we lost our Natural Selection server. Personally I found the Gameplay better, the people nicer and the atmosphere more inticing than on YO. After a long period of downtime [FX] have a new server and they are once again running Natural-Selection. Tonight I was talking to ZedeX who runs FX and is a good mate of mine and he was telling me that this weekend is the comeback weekend of [FX]. He has extended an invition to me and some of the old Cronies from [FX] to come back and play some games with them and I am furthering that invitation to you ugly lot.

You can check out the website for all you need to know check out the FX forums here. I highly suggest watching the Flash Movie as I fell instantly in love with NS again upon watching it. So my plan is to organise an NS gathering next Thursday maybe when we can go on and so them how NS is played :)

Dont let this encourage any of you from going on before Thursday though as this is not just about promoting [FX] but promoting NS aswell. For any of our newer members...*glances at all the Battlefield two nublets* ¬_¬ you can download the client for NS at

Lets have some fun!!! Also post up if you will attend the event on Thursday at say 7pm onwards?

Event Attendees



I cant come this thursday :( going to measure a storm in the atmosphere on Jupiter :p. But I'll probably be playing on wednesday or earlier.


In Cryo Sleep
i loved NS back in the day. * day dreams to the day he met his life parrtner T-Bone on a NS server* But to be honest the game can be utter crap at times. So i doubt ill becoming back to the regular playing of NS :p


In Cryo Sleep
NS is dead and gone. Bury it with grace and honour rather than exhuming it at intermittent periods! Keep it a memory, make sure it aint a bad one.


Not really, its only dead in THN. The good servers are still packed 24/7


In Cryo Sleep
Well seeing the way that previous attempts to reignite the passion for NS have, well, gone up in flames :] I dont see the need for it any more. That, and I cant be bothered downloading it all and installing it again. That too.


In Cryo Sleep
Tetsuo_Shima said:
NS is dead and gone. Bury it with grace and honour rather than exhuming it at intermittent periods! Keep it a memory, make sure it aint a bad one.

DEFENTLY Well said Tetsuo. :) I indorse this idea :D


Active Member
NS doesn't have to be gone if you still enjoy playing it. I'd still go on a popular server now and then when I feel like it.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
KillCrazy said:
NS doesn't have to be gone if you still enjoy playing it.

Indeed. Given our ability to put game servers up, a game's life is limited only by our interest.
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