Need config'd "control.con" file


Active Member
If anyone can bind left shift to crouch i would like a copy of your file in my docs called "control.con" it only contains controls and if removed leaves you will a blank slate so i know it only does controls, unfortunatly it has some hidden controls and so generating a blank one is usless


Replace the crouch line in the control.con file with
ControlMap.addkeytotriggermapping C_PICrouch IDFKeyboard IDKey_LeftShift 0 0

I THINK (from reading the guide I posted in your other topic).

Edit - To explain this:
  • ControlMap is the control mappings :)D)
  • .addkeytotriggermapping is a call to add a key mapping
  • C_PICrouch is the name used by the BF2 engine to make you crouch
  • IDFKeyboard tells the engine that you will be using a keyboard mapping (instead of mouse or jotstick)
  • IDKey_LeftShift is the variable for, yup! you guessed it!, left shift (you can change this to RightShift if you want)
  • The first 0 says that the key type is a "Press and hold" (like w for forward), instead of "Double Tap" (used for w to sprint) or "One shot" (used for changing weapons - you can press and hold the number 3, and it wont change your weapon fire mode continuously).
  • The second 0 tells the game that this is the default key to use for that.

Full "guide" here, thanks to Random Skratch.


Active Member
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PISprint IDFKeyboard IDKey_LeftShift 0 0

was under:

ControlMap.create HelicopterPlayerInputControlMap


This this be the funs! (i corrected the above enrty :))

thanks, i edited alot of controls and am very happy now.