Need Warrior Help..


New Member
alrighty so some of you may not know but on Al'Akir I have a 58 warrior now I realise that certain abilites require certain stances im arms..

But I want to have a cooldown macro right?
How do I go about making one as berserker rage requires the beserker stance can someone help me out with macros with defencive cooldowns etc? also certain keybindings would be great

Im arms btw.. thanks


New Member
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In Cryo Sleep
All the macros youll ever need will be at Arena Junkies in the Warrior section. With regards to keybinding its all down to personal preference. Stance Dancing i use Shift QWE for the stances (left to right on the class bar for clarity)

I may be wrong but isnt Zerker rage useable in all stances? Or do you mean Recklessness. For general keybinds a useful one is cancelling Bladestorm:

/cancelaura Bladestorm
/cast Charge

This means if youre out of range of someone and want to close the gap you can hammer this and itll cancel the bladestorm and charge.

But yeah youll find plenty of macros on Arena Junkies and also on Swiftys Basic Warrior Training Videos on youtube. One more useful one for pvp would be

/equip "One Hander Weapon"
/equip "Shield"
/cast Spell Reflect

Mash that and itll whip your shield out and spell reflect, takes 2 GCDs overall to complete. Take some time laying your abilities out and working on your macros because youll find warrior has a lot of stuff to take into account.

Theres an addon i see a lot i think its called Doom Pulse or something, essentially flashes the icon on screen when its off CD, i highly recommend Power Auras though tis a very powerful addon