I've added a few new bbCodes to extend the board's repetoire. Now available:
[edit=Some Bloke]The "edit by" tag, extending the previous edit tag to allow the inclusion of a name. The original tag works as normal.[/edit]
[h1]Largest Heading[/h1]
[h2]Medium Heading[/h2]
[h3]Smallest Heading[/h3]
... and the grand finale:
[box=My Extra Cool Box]Works like the [mod] box but available for any user.
That said, if you make the text "Moderation" then we're likely to slap you hard.[/box]
[noparse][edit=Some Bloke]The "edit by" tag, extending the previous edit tag to allow the inclusion of a name. The original tag works as normal.[/edit][/noparse]
[edit=Some Bloke]The "edit by" tag, extending the previous edit tag to allow the inclusion of a name. The original tag works as normal.[/edit]
[noparse][h1]Largest Heading[/h1][/noparse]
[h1]Largest Heading[/h1]
[noparse][h2]Medium Heading[/h2][/noparse]
[h2]Medium Heading[/h2]
[noparse][h3]Smallest Heading[/h3][/noparse]
[h3]Smallest Heading[/h3]
... and the grand finale:
[noparse][box=My Extra Cool Box]Works like the [mod] box but available for any user.
That said, if you make the text "Moderation" then we're likely to slap you hard.[/box][/noparse]
[box=My Extra Cool Box]Works like the [mod] box but available for any user.
That said, if you make the text "Moderation" then we're likely to slap you hard.[/box]