New civ patch!


Well-Known Member
That's right! Numerous updates. Download it by going to Advanced > Check for updates and download! :)


Junior Administrator
Here are the patch notes, taken from the Civ 4 website:

v1.61 Patch


* randomized processing order when multiple players try to move on the same turn slice
* only the host can set the admin password
* Horseback Riding now a classical tech
* Kremlin now gives -33% hurry production cost
* can't airlift from foreign cities
* expanded subject for PitBoss e-mail
* lightened the color of some civs' text
* mp retire fix
* less hammers from chops the farther away from a city
* reduced hammer yield from forest chops to 20?
* Mathematics increases forest chop yields by +50%
* SDI cannot be built before the Manhattan Project.
* increased SDI cost
* marines and SAM Infantry now upgrade to Mech Infantry
* better AI-to-human diplo in team games
* no more diplo penalty for helping to end wars
* city production popups stay on city when entering/exiting
* can now set units to Sleep and Intercept in wbs
* Continents map script now produces large continents
* game options and victory conditions now saved in ini file
* invalid buildings now removed from city queues
* Free Trade: Medium Upkeep
* State Property: Low Upkeep
* Representation: +2 happy in X biggest cities.
* Hereditary Rule: Low Upkeep.
* Representation: Medium Upkeep.
* Slaver: Low Upkeep
* Nationhood: No Upkeep
* firepower is now average of curr and max strength
* Gunships now move faster over rails
* No Cheating option renamed to Lock Modified Assets
* city management no longer uses "forced" specialist states when not automated
* Expansive: +3 Health
* Financial: No longer give production bonus for Banks
* Prompt for admin password when loading a game containing one in LAN, Internet, or Pitboss play
* Don't allow players to play non-playable civs in Pitboss
* Do not display SP only mods in Pitboss
* Allow hotseat/PBEM scenario host to select which civ s/he will play
* Force non-playable civs to be AI in Hotseat/PBEM games
* Allowing for AI slots in player defined scenarios for Hot Seat, PBEM, and Pitboss games
* Do not display duplicate buddy request popups from the same guy
* Peer address handling improvements
* Number keys perform leaderhead actions on Civilopedia leader screen.
* Custom game SP screen remembers difficulty level last played
* Reduced rounding error for population and land victory condition test
* Loading a multiplayer game as a PBEM/hotseat converts it to non-simultaneous turns
* When the city names of your civ are all taken, choose a default name from a random civ
* Timelines more uniform across game speeds
* Military Advisor shows Barbarians
* Tech chooser screen now observes CvGameInterface.cannotResearch() and shows the tech in a red pane if the function returns true
* Fixed American Revolution scenario to work with Pitboss
* PBEM password reminder popup no longer disappears when the game starts
* Wonder description on Wonder Movie screen more legible
* Top Civs screen no longer appears in online multiplayer
* Civilopedia main page sorted in columns rather than in rows
* Pressing escape when selecting goto points now cancels the goto waypoints
* Military advisor now works like foreign advisor: clicking on leader buttons clears previous leader selections unless you hold down the shift key.
* Teams in multiplayer once again share all the players' starting techs, not just the last player's
* Great person point generation from Wonders continues after Wonder has become obsolete
* quicksave doesn't prompt for overwrite


* exploit fix that allowed multiple players to extract the same gold/resources from the AI...
* Don't set localhost address as public addr for peers on same computer
* fixed gunships capturing cities bug
* game doesn't end on ties
* fixed mp UN voting bug
* Leaderheads on a radeon 9000 64mb - fix for strange skin shading
* Fixed crash that happened when a spy sabotaged an improvement outside cultural borders
* The full mod path is no longer stored in the save when the mod is installed under the user folder
* Double-clicking on a save of a mod now loads the proper DLL
* fixed Out-of-Sync from exiting to main menu
* fixed anarchy/specialist resetting bug
* fixed bug where environmentalism doesn't affect new cities
* fix for missing head mission crash
* fixed stack attack bug with groups of units with more than one move
* fixed premature end-turn unit cycle bug
* fixed State Porperty cumulative effect in team game
* fixed plot list button scrolling for multiple resolutions
* fixed some AI attitude issues for team games
* Strip chat messages of color tags before displaying in Pitboss
* Fixed logic bug that determines the number of open slots in a Pitboss game
* Improving how the host determines if the game is full - number of connections rather than number of players - before, the host wasn't considering joining players when determining if the game was full
* Set status to CLOSED when a computer player dies in the game
* The full mod path is no longer stored in the save when the mod is installed under the user folder
* Load proper DLL when a mod is specified in the ini file
* fix for tech chooser showing known techs as unknown
* Clear map data (like latitudes) when you exit to main menu
* Fixed error in combat calculations when a zero-strength unit was involved
* Fixed bug in Info screen "rival worst" calculation
* End of game sequence plays correctly for hotseat/pbem
* Diplomacy screen no longer allows end-turn events to go through
* Diplomacy screen gold popups respond to ESCAPE and RETURN
* Right-click select-all no longer causes large stacks to slide off the screen
* No longer possible to attempt to take over unplayable civs in multiplayer scenarios
* Fixed PBEM infinite movement exploit
* Fixed rush production per population for game speeds other than normal
* GNP graph is now consistent with demographics table
* Fix Gunship being almost invisibile in Frozen mode
* fix mod name in progress bar
* New DX9 code takes screenshot without requiring lockable back buffer
* Fixed the vertically launching torpedo for the submarine unit
* Movie playback optimized
* Significant reduction in video and system memory usage
* Fixed some memory leaks
* Fixed crashes with modified SDK
* Fixed XML failures with non-default locale
* Many translation fixes
* Memory related crash fixes
* Fixed diplomacy crash fix (when expanding an empty tree control with space bar)
* Internet lobby -> LAN fix
* fixed pedia and menu buttons disappearing after leaving tech chooser
* PitBoss no longer crashes on victory
* can no longer see number of units in darkened tiles by moving the flag
* No more Archers holding all their weapons and Workers holding all their tools
* No more fog of war missing from the southern ice and from trees/jungle on the dateline
* Pushing "go back" while joining a mp game, no longer causes background music to disappear
* Wonder movie effect and zoom no longer happens when you have disabled Wonder movies
* City billboards no longer choke on text formatting
* Many tutorial issues fixed?
* Fixed checksum folder order difference between NTFS and FAT32 filesystems
* Many worldbuilder issues fixed?
* Fix: Black eye shadows
* Fix: Some leaderheads appear to have white eyes when the low-res textures option is on
* fixing crack in huge globe view maps
* fixes the problem where animals were not animating in the fog
* Prevent Terrain crash when reloading EarthMap twice
* fixed crash on too quick quickload
* fixed city yields being revealed in FOW
* fixed ability to see cities in FOW via defense modifiers
* ICBM no longer flips upside-down when fortified/awaken
* Fix for combat bug across a map seam


* PitBossSleep ini setting
* unit cycling optimization
* Africa, Europe, East Asia, Eastern U.S., and South America maps
* Fantasy_Realm, Fractal, and Shuffle map scripts
* unit health bar for plot list buttons
* Require Complete Kills game option
* No Movies is now a graphical option (instead of an ini option)
* Warn all users when a player with a different version of files joins the game
* Display a popup warning the host when a joining player has different versions of XML/Python files so he can make sure this guy can be trusted
* Indicate which players have an active turn in the Pitboss admin screen
* Synch Logging now an .ini option
* Able to load mods from the Pitboss
* Hotseat and PBEM scenarios
* Display name of peer you are contacting in join screen if available
* Saving DirectIP join address
* Added culture rate popup help to culture bar in city screen
* Added Admin password field in PBEM/Hotseat staging screens
* Added HideMovieBackground ini option for further movie speedup
* Added HideOutOfVRamWarning ini option
* Exposed many more functions to Python
* Hooked up modern whaling boats
* support for movies in customAssets folder


In Cryo Sleep
Holey moley!

That's a busy patch!

Suppose I better download it if I'm ever going to whoop Nanor and DB :eek:.


New Member
Gone off this game now. The battle realm of it is just rubbish. I stopped playing when my mech. inf. was destroyed by a warrior!.